Let's Be Friends Subaru!

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After I was left alone by two boys I thought on looking if there were more, well just in case of course.

I then went through some little maze of roses. I found this tower. And looking up at the very top, I saw a women in it. She was really pretty.

Ok I've been saying that a lot today since I met these boys, but whatever. So I decided on going up the tower.

When I got up I saw her, she had nice and pretty long white hair or silver. And a young boy with the same hair color and nice red eyes like the women.

I didn't care if they saw me, I walked over to the women in the cage, locked up like Rapanzel. I reached out from the cage to her hair.

"It's really pretty ma'am." I say to her. "Just like you." I looked up to her with a gin on my face.

She looked at me for a few seconds before smiling as if her heart melted. She came closer as she brought me into a hug.

"My name's Koca, ma'am." I introduced myself as I backed up from the cage. "Christa." She said.

I turned around to the boy as I smiled at him. "What about you?" He seemed to look to his side. "S-Subaru..."

"Your mom seems really nice Subaru, I wish I had one as nice as her." I commented as he looked to me. "U-Uh-" I ran to him and took his hand.

"Lets be friends, Subaru."

He looked at me if I was some idiot. I chuckled. "H-Hey! Whats so f-funny!?" He exclaimed which made me whip a tear from my eyes.

"You seem really nice, too." I started. "Lets play!!" I grabbed his hand as i started to pull him.

"It was nice meeting you Miss Christa!!" I waved at her before I went down the stairs of the tower.

But some reason. The smile she gave was somehow sad...

I stopped down as we got there. "What game do you wanna play Subaru~~!!" I chimed at the boy how just gave me an irritated glare as he walked away from me.

"H-Hey! Don't leave me behind I only have today to meet all you boys!" I yelled out to him.

"You're one of the only friends I have that aren't just my family, Subaru! Onigai!! Lets be friends and have fun!" I said as I grabbed on to his wrist and he looked back to me.

(OMG Koca seems so annoying here XD)

"Do you really want to play badly with me?" He asked, FINALLY TALKING TO ME.

"Of course. Like I said, you seem really nice." I answered to him. "Then give me some blood."

He said as I blinked at him a few times before processing what he had just said. "Eh?-" He then pulled me by the wrist and pulled me to look at him, close.

"Oh yeah, your family are vampires... opps I forgot." I corrected myself as I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Anyways if you want blood that much, then here." I pulled back from him and cut my finger.

The blood started to come out as I pointed my bleeding finger to him. He looked really tempted to do it. Which looked adorable and nodded at him.

"If you want some, you can." I smiled at him as he just looked away. "No, I lost it."

"EH?!?!" I exclaimed at him. "So you just made me do it for no reason then!!" "Your fault, not mine." He crossed his arms as he walked away.

"Subaru! Don't be like that!" I yelled out chasing after him as I drank the blood on my hand.

I grabbed his hand before I ran again. "C'mon I know where theres a good place to play!" I yelled out as we started to run to then.

"Where are we going!?" He yelled out as we ran though the leaves and bushes. "The forest I wanna show you something!!" I smiled at him as he looked at me with widen eyes the looked away as we kept on running.

We then stopped when we had some bridge there. "Isn't it wonderful Subaru?" I asked him as he was already dazing off in the veiw.

I chuckled at him as I took his hand and I pulled him to a group of bunnies. I bent down as a bunny went into my arms.

"It's the first time I've seen a bunny before Subaru, what about you?" I asked as I petted the bunny and looked over to him.

"Um it's not my first." He answered also beinding down and tried to pick one up but the scattered over to me.

"Dummit." I heard him curse which made me chuckle. I went over to him and gave him the bunny I was holding.

At first it seem he was nervous but soon he got into it and got to carry a bunny. I smiled at him.

I grabbed him as he dropped the bunny and we ran. I laughed a bit as we went running through the forest I've never been before then just today.

We started to run over a bridge when Subaru started to laughed a bit. "Subaru come on! Fast-"

I fell down the bridge as I was only hanging. "Oh crap...." I whispered. I tried to stand myself up my I scratched my elbow and it really hurt.

"Su... baru..." I whispered in the wince of the pains. "Help me..." I was gonna bring myself off but it seems that I fell.

'Heh.... goodbye life for sure.... I hope Karlhinez would my dead body and tell my brothers...' Just when I was losing my grip, I closed my eyes tightly.

But why..? Why didnt I feel rushing cold water going down my body? I opened my eyes..


"Ah-" My eyes opened to see him pulling my arm. "Oi!!" He yelled out to me. "Are you still alive there?!?"

"Eh-!? If you can see my eyes open, wouldn't that mean I'm alive here!?" I yelled to him.

"Why cant you teleport over up here, huh?! Baka!!" He yelled. Tick marks were already on my head.

"I'm in the middle of maybe even dying here and your gonna fight with me?!" I yelled, irk marks on my head as my blood boiled.

"But you started it!" He yelled. "Can you just pull me up!?" I yelled at him. "I'm still trying to live my life here!!!" Retort in back.

I saw irk marks also on his head as he struggled on my grip. "What else do you think I'm trying to do?!" He then pulled me up.

I stood up hugging him. "E-eh..... thanks Subaru...." I quivered. "Baka." He scowled at me which I just rolled my eyes up and shrugged off.

"Let's go." He took me out the hug and took my hand. But I didn't move... My legs were like it was stuck or glued on the bridge.

"Subaru...." I looked at him. He pulled me over to him making legs move. "Uh-" Just before I could say anything, he cut me off.

"Lets go." He then pulled me running out the forest. "Subaru." I rang out to him. "What." He asked. I smiled a bit.


♤ Edited 4/23/17 ♤

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