I Don't Want To Lose Anyone...

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The day was over and soon Karl was here ready to pick me up. "Lets go Koca." He chimed at me as I nodded.

"Bye guys!!" I waved at the Sakamaki brothers before talking Karl by the hand as we teleported out the Demon world.

When we did I was at home where Ruki-nii was reading a book, Yuma-nii and Kou-nii watching tv and Azusa-nii using a knife ready to cut himself. Everything looks normal while i was gone.



I ran all the way to the kitchen as I took the knife away from Azusa-nii. Once I got it was panting hard due to how fast I ran to the kitchen.

"Koca... Your back." He said as I saw the delite in his eyes. "Azusa-nii what did I tell you about cutting yourself? I told you not to give yourself self harm remember?" I started to lecture him as I put the knife back. 

"Azusa-nii, I don't want you getting hurt so try not to cut yourself." Sighing he nodded at me "Hai, I'll try." I smiled before hugging him. "Thank you."

"Oi! Koca! Where'd you been!?" Yuma-nii asked from across the room. "Just met with a few friends nothing much." I replied to him before sitting across Ruki. "Anyways what are you guys watching?" "Attack on-"


"Yuma-kun's watching Dora."

The smootie I drank, I almost spit it out but I remembered Ruki was in front of me. I swallowed the liqued before answering.

"Are you actually serious!?" I asked ready to laugh. "I never knew you were a girl Yuma-nii." I smirked as he yelled at Kou-nii.


"I just wanted to see your reaction if I said you were watching Dora though." Kou chuckled as Yuma had tick marks. I smiled at how my 'brothers' were getting a long.

"Hey Ruki-nii."

Ruki looked up from the book he was reading. "Yeah. Need something Koca?" He asked me while I nodded a 'no'.

"What are you reading?" I asked. "No, it's nothing really." He stood up. "I gotta go make us some dinner." I then also stood up following him.

"Maybe I'll help." I suggested, taking the cup with me as I stood up to follow. "Are you sure you want too?" He asked turning his head to me.

"Of course I do, I would love to learn anyways." I smiled at him as he smiled back to me. We then heard weird laughing. Our eyes went wide as we knew who was laughing.


After dee Dinna~~~~~

Ruki is actually a really good chef. I walked down the halls to open my door of the room to see Karl looking at my lamp.

I sweatdropped from the view. "Eh..." He looked over me with a big smile. "Ah, Koca there you are." He said as he walked over to me. "Tomorrow we are going somwhere."


"Yes, again."

"Where to this time?" I asked him. "To a lab, I want you to see that an experiment goes well." He answered.

"What type of experiment?" I asked him, walking over to sit on the bedside of my bed.

"No no no~! You will have to wait and see tomorrow morning Koca. Be ready ok?" I nodded at him, a smile forming on his lips as I nodded my head.

"Hai." He started to pat my head. "That's a good girl." He turned around to got to my door before I spoke up. "Wait Karl!" I said as he stopped.


"Im not a dog." I slamed my door at him because he was acting as if I was a dog. I rolled my eyes at it as I headed to bed.

I woke up, getting dressed and walked downstairs just to get a bottle of fresh human blood and drank it as I started to watch the recorded episode of Attack on Titan as I waited for Karl to come and pick me up again.

"Well your up qutie early, Chinsana Koneko~~" That, was a voice I knew so well. "Well thats because I'm going somewhere again." I answered taking another sip of blood. "Besides, when did I became your 'Little Kitten', Kou-nii."

"You were always my Chisana Koneko Koca!" He said as he stuffed his face in the crook of my neck.

"Hey Kou-nii." I called out as he turned to my direction. "Hmm?" He asked as he just set his head on my shoulder.

"... Do you think... It was a good idea being a vampire..?" I asked squezzing the bottle.

"I mean wouldn't you see everyone you love die right in front of you..?" I started to trail off.

"Koca..." Kou-nii looked over to as I tried to keep my tears in as hard as I could. "I wouldn't be able to see my Melissa-Senpai since she's going die! I don't want to lose anyone again!"

I felt Kou's arms go around me as an embrace. "No, its all right you have us." He said to me. "I had no family, I actually lived in the underground sewers, abandon in a manhole actually."

"Kou-nii... Im sorry i didnt-" He cut me off. "No, it's ok Koca." He broke the hug as he started to wipe my tears away.

"Everyone has a past that they can't ever forget and not want to be told." He started.

"Even though you beat me up, wiped me, stabbed me, chocked me and everything else before, I will always forgive you."

"Since you gave mercy to me."

'What is he talking about....? Did i really do that to him...?'

"But now your my little sister crying helplessly like a little child." I giggled a bit. "Because I am a child Kou-nii."

"Oh you are? I didn't notice!" I laughed a bit more. "But remember that me, Yuma-kun, Ruki-kun and Azusa-kun are always there to protect you. We're family now and we dont want to lose anyone, espeacially our kawaii little sister." He said.

"I was always an only child. But now, I had brothers I never asked for that came into my life to protect me. I'm happy I have people like you Kou-nii, like Ruki-nii, Yuma-nii and Azusa-nii." I hugged him once more.

"I'm just so happy that you guys came into my life!!"

"Me too."

♤ Edited 4/25/17 ♤

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