Meeting Someone New

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Karlhinez~ (I feel very unclean since im doing a POV for him -3-)

As the light shined it soon cleared. The experiment worked as we could see through space with that thing.

"Karl... It worked...." I heard Koca utter in surprised as I looked over to her.

"KARL IT WORKED OH MY GOSH YOU'RE AMAZING!" She yelled out in delite, jumping up and down.

"Well, of course it did." I smiled at her. She was grining like a child as she saw the experiment work. But then the smile faded.

"K-Karl..." She uttered again before looking back at to me. "Karl! That guy is in trouble I need to save him!!" Koca then ran out of the room and down to save one of the men.

I didn't notice one of them accedentaly dropped a type of chemical on the experiment and it didn't work properly.

Now it made a dimensonal rip in the universe that would suck everything up and we would all die.

"Koca no! Get back here its to dangerous!" I yelled out to her and she looked back to me as she stopped running through the crowd.

"NO!" She yelled, refusing to come to the safety. I tried going after her but the crowd kept swinging me away.

"I'm not letting anyone die Karlhinez! I need to save him! What would be the point of my life if I couldnt save one person! I would never forgive myself I wasn't able to save one person!"

She ran to the person the was lying down beside the rip as he was about to get sucked in.

She pulled him over to another person as she yelled, "NO BODY GET CLOSE TO THIS RIP IT'LL KILL YOU!" She ran over to computers and started to type away on it. "Karl!!" She yelled out to me.

"I need the code to it!!" I ran down. "Q5RC80MLZK51814!!" She typed all the numbers down as she pressed shut down.

"What the hell its not shutting down the systems Karl!!" She yelled, looking at me with a worried expression.

"You're missing a number or something this won't shut down unless you get the right code in!" I pressed a random letter but when that happened, she started to vanish.

"Karl what's happening!?" She yelled out in confusion and worry. "I dont want to die...!" She started to cry then.

"No, you can't die!!" I yelled out, frustration running through me. 'If she dies, my plans would be ruined!!' I typed once again trying to find out what was going on.


The caution sign started to go off and on, again and again as it kept repeating itself.

"Koca! Teleport to your brothers or somewhere else, the effects of this rip might come off!" I ordered as she nodded.

I kept on typing but it seems like she didnt teleport yet. "Koca!! Why haven't you teleported out of here yet!?" I hissed at her.

"Karl it's not letting me teleport out!" She yelled as she cried a bit. But then she looked to the rip.

"But at least the universe won't be swollowed by the rip." She started to give me a sad smile.

"The rip is getting smaller, that means that everyone else would be safe right..? I mean all it wanted was a sacrifice I guess.. So I did it instead, you just completed it for me... Arigatou..." Her smile grew wider, the more sadder.

The more my plans are getting ruined by the minute.

"No! Koca you cant die! What about your brothers!? The Sakamaki brothers?! Your Melissa-Senpai!! You can't die on them!!" I shouted in frustration.

"Doesn't matter to me.. As long as their safe.."

She then vanished as golden feathers flew up before disappearing. She was gone.

I formed my hands into fists as I slammed it into the controls, it breaking in half due to my vampire strength.

"Dummit! The plan I made so clearly is ruined! Becuase she's gone every detailed plan I made is now rendered useless! And everything I've done so far was useless!" I destroyed the failed experiment as I walked out.

"The plan needs to continue, with or without that bitch."


I woke up on the dirt floor as I rubbed my eyes and sat up. When i looked around I noticed I was alive. "Chotto..." I paused myself.

"IM ALIVE?!?!" I yelled out. "That rip must've sent me to a different dimension meaning... I AM ALIVE!!!" I jumped up and down in excitment.

I then started to walk around. There was this near by town so I came to walk to it.

When I did everything was lively. I walked through the centre and people greeted me.

"My your a beautiful one darling." A person said as she complemented me. "You're also beautiful ma'am."

"Awe thank you darling." She said as if her heart melted. "Um, my I ask," I uttered out.

"Hm?" She hummed, answering for me to keep on talking. "Where am I?" I asked at her which made her chuckle.

"I'm a mage, your also probably also a mage." She started. "And we live here, in Fiore. The land full of mages and humans and different living ceatures around us. And inside of you theres a spark of magic!" She said as she pointed to my heart.

"Well, sorry to be the one in a rush but, I have a mission to go to." She smiled at me and waved.

"Cya!" She started to walked away and glanced back to me. "If you ever come to look for me, you can find me in Fairy Tail! Also my name's-"


I heard someone say as I saw a black person stealing food. I looked at the blonde as she walked away to a flying cat and a salmon haired teenage boy.

"Thank you..." I bowed before chasing after the person with my inhuman speed. I was actually surprised since my vampire powers worked here.

'Maybe i could learn some magic to help me get back home....' I kept running as I soon was then in front of the person.

"You know, its not cool to steal things thats not yours." I said, smirking a little bit as I heard a 'tch'.

"Yeah, shes right you old hag."

I then saw this navy blue haired girl with blue eyes jump from the tree and over to me. She smirked at me.

"Hey, trying to get th reward for this theif?" She asked, her brow raising as she put her hands on her hips.

"No... It's just the right thing to do." I answered, she smirked. "You're cool." She said to me.

"Thanks you also are, since you jumped of a tree like twenty feet high." She shrugged at me.

"I have my ways." She got into a ready stans. "Go to the other side and hit her from behind while I have the front."

I nodded as I teleported behind the thief as I was told to do. I nodded at the girl as she nodded back at me, starting to chant something.


I saw a air tornado come from the girls mouth, it hit the theif as I jumped and round house kicked it's back as I grabbed the food in thin air, at then I landed on the ground.

"Hey, you're pretty good." The girl complimented me. "I actually came here because of you." She smiled at me.

"Really? You did?" I asked, I raising a brow in curiosity. "Mhm." She answered. "When I was on the tree I was looking around and saw you. Well it was more like this in my head." She placed her hand in front of me with a big grin.

"I'm Star Marvell, and you seem to be lost."

##𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐎𝐍𝐄 ───𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐊 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒Where stories live. Discover now