We'll Be Great Friends

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Karl told me that he wanted to talk to me about something. "Karl, you wanted to talk to me?" I said as I walked into his room. "Oh Koca, yes come in." He said as I walked over to him. "I want you to meet some people."


I looked at him.

"I said I wanted you to meet so-" --Karlhinez

"Yes I got that part but why?" --Koca

"It's a secret." --Karlhinez

"No please tell me Ka-" I was cut off when he took my hand and we were somewhere else then. I looked around to see some giant castle.

"OMG ITS HUGE KARL!! DO YOU LIVE HERE OR SOMETHING?!?! AND WHERE ARE WE ANYWAYS?!" I exclaimed as I looked at the big palace.

"Yes, I live here. And yes I know it is huge. And we are in the demon world." He explained to me.

"Now, shall we let you meet some new people? We can't leave your brothers alone unattended or else things may turn to the worst." I gulped a bit. "A-ah yes Karl." I said as I followed him through the gates of his castle.

When I got in, it was so beatiful. A garden of white roses, and there was even kids playing. To be honest, I'm kinda nervous.

I actually never had any friends about my age to play with other then Ruki, Kou, Yuma and Azusa.

I stopped and Karl went walking ahead of me a little. But he looked back to me with a confused face. "Arent you wanting to come and meet the boys playing?" He asked.

"Well yes its just that I'm-" "It'll be all right." He said to me smilingly as he tilted his head to the side a bit.

"They dont bite that hard." --Karlhinez

"That hard?" --Koca

"Yes, they dont bite that hard, Koca." --Karlhinez

"Are you sure, becuase i dont want to die again." --Koca

"You didnt die, you were close to it though."--Karlhinez

"Can we just go meet them?" --Koca

"Well then lets go." I walked over to Karl as we then walked to a group of people. Their was this women with long purple hair. She was really pretty.

And she looked like she was watching over some kids. One had purple hair with a teddy bear, and purple eyes, and their were two more kids that had red hair and green eyes.

And soon the three stopped play and I saw they noticed me. "Uh!" I stiffened up as I hid behind Karl.

I felt Karl's hands go through my hair as he tried to calm me down. "It's alright, you don't have to be scared."

"You have such pretty hair~~" I heard a voice as I opened my eyes to see the three boys near me as one of the red heads were touchng me hair.

"U-uh thank you...?" I said to him. "Want to play with us?" Asked the other red head. "I don't know..." I answered as I looked to them a bit frightened.

"Come on it'll be fun!!" As each of the red head boys took my hands. "Go on play with them, I'll go back and to get you soon." Karl said as he smiled at me before he disappered. "Um okay I guess." I said as they started to pull me while we ran.

"Where are we going!?" I exclaimed to them. "The forest!!" They all said back to me. "But why!?" I asked again.

"What else? To play of course!!" They said again as we soon stopped. "A-are you sure we should be getting to far from the castle?" I panted, trying to catch my breath.

"Your right, mother would be worried." Said the purple hair boy with the teddy bear. "Who are you anyways?" I asked them again. "Oh yeah!" They yelled out.

"We'll tell you once you meet our mother." "Eh?" They took my hand as we ran out the forest. It seemed a bit useless to have entered that forest for nothing.

We got back on to castle grounds as the boys dragged me to the purple haired women. Who would think is their mother.

"Mother, this girl was dropped off by 'him' when he came." Explained the purple haired boy, which I saw the resembled his mother a lot.

"Oh? Is that so?" She said as she looked over to me. "Well then I'm Cordelia. My, what beautiful eyes you have, and what a lovely scent you have to your blood." She said as she cupped my cheek but then rounded it down to my chin as she took it away.

"Thank you Miss Cordelia." I thanked her. "My name is Koca. And your also very pretty." She smiled at me.

"Well, have my sons told you their names?" She gave me a wry smile. "Not yet Miss." I nodded a no at her.

"Well I'm Laito!" One red haired boy with the curly hair say to me as he ran in front of me.

"My name is Kanato, ad this is teddy." The purple haired boy say to me as he showed me his teddy bear.

"AND IM AYATO!!!!" I heard the last one yell as he pointed to himself. "These boys are the triplets of this family." Miss Cordelia explained to me.

"So you are saying there are more Miss Cordelia?" I said to her but then she had a disapproving look on her face.

"Yes. There is." She said as she finally answered. "Oh." I said to her. "You didn't need to tell me if you didnt want to Miss Cordelia." I informed to her as I looked down.

"Oh no, it's ok." She said as she put her hand under my chin to make me look up to her. "A pretty face like yours doesn't deserve to be ashamed of her self." "Yes ma'am!!" I eclaimed as i stiffened a bit.

"Koca!! Come on over lets play a game!!" Ayato yelled out to as Laito took my hand with a smile.

"We'll be great friends here Koca-chan." Laito then smiled at me before he dragged me with his other brothers.

♤ Edited 4/19/17 ♤

##𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐎𝐍𝐄 ───𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐊 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒Where stories live. Discover now