S1, E15

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     It's true I truly don't know who I am or where my power comes from. I was abandoned as a baby to my adoptive parents on Earth. I don't know whether if it was because my parents wanted to rid of me or if maybe something happened which made them send me somewhere else. I'm not at all made or angry at the fact that I have no history of what I am and why I am one mixed creature in a world where these creatures barely communicate with one another. I woke up late for class, I had the worse and most authentic dream last night. I rushed to get to professor Wizgiz class and once I was in, I silently creeped to my desk sense he was facing the bored.

Wizgiz-"Ms. Pandora, you're late for class."

Pandora-"Sorry Professor."

     I sat at my desk, and I tried so hard to pay attention, but it was so hard to pay attention because I kept falling asleep. Trying to keep my eyes open and head up was so hard. Never in my life have I been this drained from dreams or from having bad sleep. After what felt like hours it was finally free time and no more classes for today, I walked to the courtyard where the girls all sat and talked.

Flora-"Are you okay?"

Pandora-"I'm fine, just a little tired."

Tecna-"No sleep again."

Pandora-"Nope, but another vivid dream."

Bloom-"Maybe your dreams are like mine when I first came to Alfea, my sister was trying to connect with me you know."

Pandora-"You think someone in my family is trying to connect with me?"

Bloom-"Yeah, I mean it's the most reasonable explanation in this magix world."

Musa-"Maybe whoever it is, they're trying to teach you how to survive now that people know you and your power are still alive."


That gave me some much thought and made me want to go deeper into my powers and into those dreams. I yawned and Stella came running towards us all happy like.

Stella-"Cleo just asked if we wanted to come visit her family's home."

Pandora-"Wait, Cleo De Nile like the girl from Monster University."

Stella-"Yeah, we have been texting all morning. Her fashions sense is like so almost on my level."

Pandora-"Okay, I thought this was still forbidden."

Aisha-"Headmistress Faragonda is allowing it. She says we worked so well together she doesn't mind it anymore. But us having this open world communication now is going to send many dangers our way."

Stella-"So girls are we going are what? This is a sleepover and in a place we've never been."

     Although, I'm getting a bad feeling about this I love that everyone is now open to getting to know each other in these different dimensions.

Pandora-"I'm in."

     After I said I'm in the rest of the girls agreed although it did seem a little hesitant. Witht that being done, we all walked to the apartment to pack for this much needed vacation. Maybe, just maybe it'll help me sleep.

At Cleo's Palace

     Wow, Cleo is royalty and I know that but dang she's very much royalty. Her home was so big, once we walked to the door, she stood in the middle of the doorway greeting and welcoming.

Cleo De Nile-"Welcome everyone to my fabulous Egyptian palace. You may come in oh and make sure to wipe your shoes off on the carpet you're standing on, we would hate to drag dirt into the house."

Stella-"I am so happy that you invited us."

Ashlynn Ella-"And us to, I heard you have the most amazing shoes closet ever. It's to die for."

Cleo De Nile-"Oh my raw, you guys give me too much credit and I love it. I would say my shoe collection is decent, but it could be better."

     Cleo opened the doors to her room and then to her closet which had a shoe closet inside. And she had the nerve to say it's decent. This is outstanding and too rich for my taste, although if I wanted to, I could probably get use to this myself.

Cleo-"I'll let everyone get settled and then come down to the entertainment room when you're ready."

     Cleo walked out of her room, and everyone started getting settled in and some even changed into their pj's for the sleep over, and I was one of those people. I decided to just sit in the room alone for a second just to think, but I ended up passing out on the bed.

Hrs later

     I opened my eyes to a blurry vision and a dark night sky, don't tell me I actually missed almost all the activities they had planned, and no one woke me up. I got off of the bed and put on my slippers and went looking for everyone. I couldn't find them in the entertainment room nor were they in the kitchen, I even checked her closet, and they weren't in there. But as I walked the hallways once more, I hear a door creek open, and a string of wind come rushing from behind the door.

     I slowly opened the door.

Pandora-"Hello? Girls, are you down here?"

     It was dark down here, but it quickly wasn't because after I said that torch's lit with fire. I walked down the stairs hoping to see only my friends waiting for me, but I didn't see them. I looked around the room with a torch in my hand I walked up to something in the distance only to be frightened with a very horrific statue. The lights came on and I got a better look around and it seemed to me that this was an old temple library and/or museum that's been isolated for centuries.

Pandora-"What is this?"

     I looked on a wall to see a huge picture of a family. A mother, father, and their three children. The youngest was being held by the mother and the two eldest stood on either side and the father stood behind the sitting mother. The baby in the picture seemed very familiar at least to me anyways. I rubbed my finger across the picture of the baby careful not to harm it and images and memories popped up in my head. Then I looked around the room once more only to realize, everything in here was that of my family's my birth family and I can tell because now I have the full picture of what happened.

Pandora-"Cleo's father had something to do with my father's disappearance as well and that's why all the magic dimensions cut each other off. Because they were helping each other get rid of and cover up my parents and my worlds death." 

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