Howl 2

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Oh man. We're getting close to the end. *me was gonna go by the pilot's pace with this* anyway nope definitely did not happen. Pfft. My heart is pounding after that ending scene. *smirks*

Anyway Content warnings

Mild blood, surprisingly. Guess, I'm not going there yet till next chapter. Anyway, Lloyd angst goes crazy in this. Violence warning, sorta.

Lloyd huddled into a blanket with Kai and Nya. 

“Did you all seriously go into the freezing tundra during March!” Nya shivers as Kai begins blowing hot flames from his mouth onto his hands. 

“Yeah, but this time we aren't just rowing aimlessly.” Jay grins, sticking his head out from the railing. He eyes the ice getting close with Zane. Kai looks over at Lloyd, who removed himself suddenly from the covers. He walks over to nearby Jay and peers out. He sees frozen bones and grins. 

“There!” Cole turns and Nya changes form to snuggle the cover more to herself. Jay then steps up to her, his tail wagging and joins under the blanket as Kai glares at him. 

“It's freezing, Kai.” Nya groans and Jay and her walk to the railing, covered by a blanket with Kai. Nya peers out at the icy path and then to Zane, who leaped overboard. 

“Zane!” Cole hops the boat and shifts before he lands his claws into the ice. 

“I'll retrieve my ingredient, you all get the heater on.” 

“I'm ok with this plan.” Lloyd scurried away inside and Cole breathes out as he watches Zane vanish into the ice. 


“On it!” Jay falls to the ground and Kai shakes. 

“I'm going inside, come on Nya.” 

“Ok.” She shivered in her fur as Cole comes up from behind and picks up Jay's body. 

“Shouldn't we have followed Zane with Jay?” Nya asks as Kai begins kicking the heater. Cole sighs. 

“Jay is following Zane because he is faster, but… .we should save energy as a new moon is soon.” Kai flicks his fire off. 

“When did you become the one who actually has a brain?” Cole looks at him immensely and at the dented heater. 

“I don't want to get stranded during a new moon, Kai.” 

“Same here… .I can't move or fight anything…. .And I hated that I have no bathtub in my room that day.” Nya responds with a light whine. Kai rolls his eyes. 

“I don't want to deal with any of you, you were all boring, and weird that day!” Lloyd came shouting as he carried a whole lot of covers. Lloyd then drops them all over the floor, and begins poking at the blankets. 

“You're just mad that you had time out.” Kai grins and Lloyd stops his soft kneading of the blankets. 

“Shut up… .you all were in a blanket together!” 

Cole shakes his head and Kai shrugs. 

“Pack bonding… .I think Zane knew what it was.” Cole itches the back of his neck and Kai shakes his head. 

“Jay kept saying “Pack” But it did help not feel cold.” 

“And helped my aching arms.” Cole smiles as they then look at Nya. 

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