Paw 1

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Having fun with this now. Because we only have some stories left... .then the ending. *smiles* But don't worry, this is only season 1 after all.. .and yes I have stuff planned for season 2 already. Nunne will be talked about more and a time travel episode will be in that line up. But that's all for now. Hehe.

Cole stacks the bricks along with Jay, handing his friend another to place. Nya meanwhile puts down more mortar before Jay places the bricks. 

“This is taking forever!” Kai shouts from his task of putting concrete over the bricks. 

“We aren't industrial, deal with it!” Cole shouts back and Jay looks at him. 

“Can I make something to help?” Cole looks at the one completed wall. 

“Probably shouldn't.” 

“Aww.” Jay lowers his head and places more bricks. Nya looks down at Lloyd, staring at the sapling in the middle of the courtyard. 

“Hey Lloyd!” He rushes to the ladder and is handed the bucket. 

“Get more.” Lloyd walks back off with a huff and past Kai and Zane. 


“Hello, mail delivery.” Lloyd pulls out his knife and Kai quickly sprints, getting in front of Lloyd. 

“Hello sir, don't mind our little brother, Lloyd.” Zane is handed the mail and everyone comes down from the vine-made ladders. Lloyd lifts a brow at Zane. 

“Little brother?” He murmurs and then watches as Cole is given the mail. 

“Oh, my dad wants us to attend one of his shows.” He looks at the letter with a slight leer. 

“I thought you were good with him now?” Kai asks and Cole shakes his head. 

“We made up, that doesn't mean I haven't gotten over it all.” 

“Well, maybe we should go… .it could help you two.” Nya smiles and Cole glances at the in process Monastery. 

“Fine, but they have metal detectors there, so no weapons.” Lloyd and Nya frown widely. 

“What about Zane?” Kai asks and Jay taps Zane's metal arm. 

“Yeah he won't pass that.” Zane moves his arm. 

“I'll see if I can get you through the back.” Cole looks at Zane, who smiles. Cole then hands everyone a ticket. 

“Fancy.” Jay looks at the golden ticket. Lloyd puts his in his pocket. Kai then eyes Cole. 

“So what are we gonna do about the aspects?” Cole smiles. 

“I'm gonna bring my bag, so we can put them in my mech.” Kai looks to the side and Cole. 

“I have a case that we can use for yours.” 

“I have to wrap mine in a coat, so don't worry, Kai.” Jay smiles and everyone heads down the stairs. 


Cole drives the whole team to town. Kai takes Cole's bag and grabs the case. He places his fangs away. 

“Alright, Lloyd put the knives in the bag.” Lloyd whines. 

“It'll only be for a few hours, and Nya won't have anything either.” Lloyd looks around at Zane taking the claws off, and Jay wrapping his plate in his blue jacket. 

“Jay.” Jay sighs and takes the small bag of tools off. He then looks at the buttons on his jacket and grabs them, placing them back onto his t-shirt. 

“You know you'll have to take those off so they can scan?” Jay nods and fidgets with his necklace a bit. 

“Is that a necklace?” Jay tucks it back into his shirt. 

“It's something my Ma gave me.” 

“Alright, Nya, did you put your weapons in?” 

“I only carry a sword and my purse, Kai.” Nya says and hands Kai her silver blade. 

“I'm still impressed by this.” Jay says, staring at Nya's reflection, and Kai puts it in the bag. Jay then shoves his wrapped up plate in, and Zane hands Kai his claws.

 Everyone eyes Lloyd. Cole tosses his paw to the back, where Jay catches it. 

“Come on Lloyd.” Lloyd looks at the bag. 

“You're not going to take them again?” Kai shakes his head. Lloyd looks at his red eyes and reaches for his knives. 

“Here.” Lloyd puts them in and sighs. 

“It's ok, we're all weapon-less, well except for.” Jay lights his hands with sparks. Lloyd scowls. 

“I just want powers.” Jay stops sparking as Kai glares at him. 

“Sorry, but you do have some.” Jay grins as he points at broken street lights. Lloyd's eyes watch them go past. Kai meanwhile shares a worried glance with Zane and Nya. Cole meanwhile parks and gives a few deep breaths. 

“Alright, Zane, are you ready to go through the roofs?” Zane nods and everyone gets out. Lloyd immediately gets closer to Kai. 

“I'm going to take Zane through the backdoor, you all find seats, we'll meet with you.” Lloyd watches Cole head off and Kai grabs his hand, which causes Lloyd to glare up and hiss. 

“Alright, fine, I won't do that.” Kai puts his hands up and walks down the sidewalk with Lloyd to his side. Nya meanwhile walks next to Jay. 

“I feel naked without my jacket.” Jay says as he also mourned the loss of his tool bag. 

“You'll be fine, I'm sure there aren't any vampires here.” Kai smiles as Jay frowns more. Lloyd turns away from the conversation and glances at windows… .full of things. Like shiny things! His green glowed. 

“Can we get anything while we're here?” He looks up at Kai, and Kai kinda shrugs. 

“We're see, but-

“Hey, is that the place?” Nya asks as she looks over at a line of people, and a sign. Lloyd read it. 

“Brookstone studio.” 

“Yeah, I think it is.” Kai said bluntly and they all went into a boring line.


Chapter is small because did you see those ones before. Christ... .Those are fun, just take a while.

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