Solar Eclipse 1

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Just need to get the day before out of the way. Also we're almost there guys. Season 1 is almost over. And then I can go nuts one season 2 because it's been living rent free in my head for a week.

Also chapter split into two parts because my Google docs throughout this entire fanfic has crashed so much with the bigger chapters. I'm not joking I have 4 docs with this one season. (Anyway) Enjoy, this is basically to fill in some run time.

Kai looks at the bridge and hears his sister breath out. 

“You can leave if you need to, Nya.” 

“No!” She walks forward and Cole helps Kai to the front door. Nya shoves the door, but nothing. 

“Didn't Garmadon block it off?” Kai mentions and Nya steps back, and runs at the door. Cole then places Kai down and lightly shoves Nya back. 

“Did you forget I was here?” He asks and Nya and Kai watch as Cole shoves the door open, knocking the boulders away and into the bubbling lava. 

“There's lava in here too?” Cole stares in as Kai limps up to him. 

“Yep… .now come on let's find that Phoenix and get back to Lloyd.” He limps onto the stones as Nya stills at the sight of broken chains. She gets walking again, over the pits of lava as memories flashed in her head. 

“Hold still, girl.” The chains rattle as her arms began feeling like they were restrained against hot metal.

“Bring her up so I can reveal her.” The deep voice growled as she soon was high up into a hidden tunnel, which was covered in burnt sticks, charcoal, and bones- 

Nya's eyes shine. “Hey Kai, I think I might know where it is!” Kai turned from the altar.


Cole meanwhile looks at a lava fall and hears distant squawking? 


Cole ducked down as Kai was engulfed in flames. 

“Kai!” Nya runs from the entrance and races across the stones to her now burnt brother. 

Cole looks up. “Hm, so I guess you are immune to that.” Kai then blows leftover smoke into the guy's face. 

*Flo, flo*

Kai's eyes look at Nya, now catching up as her eyes widened as something orange moved in them. Kai turned and suddenly felt his own phantoms lower. Its feathers like embers fell as it landed where the Fangs once were. 

“Frua't puuesa yuu'll Heeruu? .Chant’nuk yuu'll Souuma un Amurela Sueon I goengia st'uat t'uyuullomo? 

(“What brings you here? .Can't you see a dark sun is going to start tomorrow?)

Kai blinks and looks back at Cole's nonchalant face and Nya's confused stare. 

“What did it just say?” She whispers to Cole. 

“We came for a feather.” Kai says as he limps closer and the beak begins smoking and Kai again is engulfed into flames. Cole ducks down again, Nya joining him.

“Talk to it in its language!” Cole furrows his brows. Kai growls back at the other and eyes his sister. Her eyes are shaking and chest heaves. 

Kai sighs and suddenly his thoughts went from his normal words to a different kind.. .which he could.. 

The Phoenix puffs its beak in embers. 

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