t h i r t y e i g h t

448 37 18

Uhhh, smutt? Also early post because why not

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

The world outside seemed to fade
into nothingness as Soobin found
himself on the bed, lying beneath
Yeonjun. His mind was hazy, the
memory of how they ended up there
slipping away like sand between his
fingers. But none of that mattered
now. In this moment, all he could
focus on was Yeonjun-on the
closeness of their bodies, on the
heat building between them.

Their lips met in a slow, heated kiss
deepening with every second. The
taste of Yeonjun was intoxicating
the pressure of his mouth against
Soobin's setting a fire inside him. He
felt Yeonjun's hands glide along his
sides, the touch both soft and
urgent, as if neither could get
enough of the other. Soobin's own
fingers threaded through Yeonjun's
hair, pulling him closer, wanting
more, needing more.

“Soobin…” Yeonjun’s voice was low, barely audible, as he hovered over the younger boy, his breath shaky from the closeness. His hands trembled slightly as they rested beside Soobin’s head, not daring to touch him yet, afraid to break the moment.

But before Yeonjun could say another word, Soobin, with his voice rough and filled with longing, whispered into the heavy silence, “Yeonjun… fuck me.”

The words were raw, bold, cutting through the air with a force that took Yeonjun by surprise. He stared down at Soobin, stunned into momentary silence. The intensity in Soobin’s voice, the sheer vulnerability of his request, left Yeonjun breathless. There was something in Soobin’s eyes—an openness, a trust—that sent a rush of warmth straight to Yeonjun’s chest.

For a second, Yeonjun didn’t move, frozen by the weight of Soobin’s words. But the second passed quickly, and the heat in the room intensified as Yeonjun nodded hurriedly, hands reaching to strip away the barriers between them. He was frantic, desperate to feel Soobin against him, desperate to give in to what they both wanted.

Clothes were removed, the soft rustle of fabric hitting the floor punctuating the silence between them. With every layer that came off, the air grew thicker, more charged. Soon, Soobin lay bare before him, his skin flushed, his chest rising and falling with each ragged breath. Yeonjun couldn’t take his eyes off him.

“Fuck…” Yeonjun breathed out, his voice low and full of awe as his gaze traveled over Soobin’s exposed body. “You’re so fucking perfect.”

The words tumbled out, unfiltered and filled with reverence. Yeonjun’s fingers traced the lines of Soobin’s chest and shoulders, the touch light and delicate as if he was afraid Soobin might disappear if he pressed too hard. But Soobin didn’t vanish. He was there, real and present, and Yeonjun could feel his skin beneath his fingertips, warm and soft and everything Yeonjun had imagined.

Yeonjun leaned in, his lips brushing softly against Soobin’s collarbone, planting gentle kisses that left trails of warmth in their wake. He took his time, savoring every second, every reaction from Soobin. He could feel the younger boy shiver beneath him, could hear the soft gasp that escaped his lips as Yeonjun’s mouth moved lower, exploring every inch of exposed skin.

Soobin’s body reacted instinctively, his back arching, his hands clutching at the sheets beneath him as quiet moans slipped from his lips. Each touch of Yeonjun’s lips sent waves of pleasure rippling through him, making his heart race and his skin tingle with goosebumps. The sensation was overwhelming, but in the best way possible. He wanted more—needed more.

“Yeonjun…” Soobin whispered, his voice barely audible, but the sound was filled with so much want that it sent a shiver through Yeonjun. He looked up at Soobin, eyes dark with desire, before dipping his head again, his lips pressing soft, slow kisses along Soobin’s chest and down his stomach.

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