Mommy Dearest

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Lee's POV

"Awwn, Taleeyah, look how you've grown!"

My name was called making me take my attention from getting Legend out of his car seat. I paused and looked from my open car door to see my great Aunt Toni walking towards me. She held a smile that shined almost brighter than the hot son.

She got to the car, her grin still wide as she showed off her gap. "Y'all need some help?"

"No, thank you though auntie. How you been?" I stood fully, shielding my eyes from the blinding rays.

"I've been alright, can't complain... and you must be Lester."

I turned to see Lester swinging a diaper bag over his shoulder as he hiked his junior higher up on his hip.

"How you doing?" He greeted her as he gave her a quick side hug.

"Better now that my favorite niece is here." She winked at me while softly grazing my shoulder.

I shot her a small smirk before grabbing my son and his diaper bag and shutting the car door. "Don't let my mama hear you say that."

She snickered at my joke before holding her hand up to her mouth. "We'll keep that between us."

We all walked up the gravel pathway onto the cozy porch and in the front door of my mom's beautiful home. As we entered the smell of meat cooking on the grill filled my nostrils immediately making my mouth water. One thing I'd never forget was my mama's food. She knew her way around a kitchen.

"Can I hold him?" Auntie Toni took no time eagerly wiggling her fingers towards Lester who held Junior in his arms.

Lester smoothly handed our son to his great-great aunt. She stared at him as he gave her a blank look back before turning back to Lester. He couldn't help but laugh as he saw the look on his son's face. Junior looked confused about why he was being held by this stranger and why his dad would even go for something like that.

I shook my head at the expression on my child's face. As the boys grew I saw how they adopted so much of their father's personality, including his rude facial gestures.

"He's like get me away from this lady." She laughed as she looked between me and Lester.

"He's mean." He laughed before taking him back into his arms.

"Also I wanted to give my condolences, I heard about what's going on with Michael." Her tone softened as she gave me a sympathetic look.

Auntie Toni was the older sister of my nana. Growing up the two were inseparable but they both grew apart, taking two different paths in life. While my nana went on to have a child and later went on to marry again, my Aunt was another story. Toni moved to Atlanta to pursue her career as a prosecutor. She never had kids or married but she was very loud about not wanting either.

She was happy with her life but my nana couldn't understand why. They had a falling out and for some reason haven't spoken to each other since my mom was my age. She's recently moved back home and from what I've heard, she's very close with my mom, almost taking on a parental role for her.

Before I could get too sad about the mention of my papa's health, I heard the familiar giggles of Serena.

"I thought that was you Tink! When y'all get here?" She stepped into the open living room with a red solo cup in one hand and a pair of tongs in the other.

She quickly engulfed me and Legend into a tight embrace before moving on to do the same to Lester and Junior. Taking a step back, she ushered us out the back door into her nice-sized backyard where there was music playing with a few people scattered around mingling amongst each other.

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