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This was quite possibly one of the most ridiculous things she had ever done in her life...ever. Well, maybe not the most ridiculous. Maybe just stupid. Or weird. Definitely weird. The sex part wasn't weird, no, sex with Derek was amazing. It was even better when she was sober which was...well, that rarely ever happened. No, the sex part wasn't the weird part.

The weird part was that she was doing this period. This was old Meredith. Old Meredith went to the bar and got drunk and picked up random guys. Scott had said it had something to do with her trying to feel loved but not letting people in or some other kind of psychobabble. But she had worked through that. Actually, this wasn't even that Meredith. That Meredith didn't keep sleeping with that guy.

She had no idea who the hell this Meredith was. This Meredith was some weird hybrid of new Meredith and old Meredith or something. Which she really couldn't figure out. Scott had told her to go see a therapist, he had gone with her to appointments, he had taught her to trust people or whatever. He had said old Meredith would disappear once she got her shit together. So why the hell was old Meredith making some bizarre comeback?

She wasn't hurting. She was a little annoyed with being alone, and possibly regretting the trip but she wasn't miserable or hurting or trying to fill some kind of secret pain. She had some things to work through, she had to get over Scott but she wasn't all dark and twisty again. And it didn't even feel like old Meredith had. She was just having sex but it wasn't a drunken mistake.

Which made this all very weird. Because she had gone to his house, completely sober, and had had some pretty phenomenal sex, and then had just gotten up and left. That was it. It was like old Meredith. Except she hadn't been drunk. And she was going back tonight. She had spent the day at the pool at the hotel, eaten dinner at Dimitri's, and now she was going back. Hybrid new and old Meredith.

Which made no sense. She hadn't come here to have sex. She hadn't come here to meet anyone or anything like that. She had come to get away from the craziness that was her fellowship and to get her head back together after calling off her wedding the day of the wedding. She hadn't been planning on getting any action no matter how much Cristina had told her it would be a good idea.

She hadn't had any desire to get involved or to meet anyone or to have a fling with some big strong Greek fisherman or whatever. She just wanted to relax. She wanted to breathe and think again. She wanted to get over Scott. Who, yeah, she hadn't been in love with but she did care about him and she figured she'd start missing him sooner or later. She didn't want sex right now. She wanted to breathe again.

Except now she was heading toward Derek's house for sex and nothing else. She didn't know his last name, she didn't know his age, she didn't know what he did for a living or where he even lived. All she knew was his name and that he could do some amazing things with his tongue. And he had a sensitive spot on his neck that made him forget his own name that she had discovered the night before.

She actually didn't care about the stuff she didn't know. She didn't really want to know. He had the smallest New York accent, and he was clearly very wealthy if he had a huge house in Greece. Beyond that, she wasn't sure what else she wanted to know. Which again, old Meredith. She was pretty sure Old Meredith and New Meredith had gotten into a huge fight and this had been the result.

Which was probably okay. The sex was amazing. The sex was quite possibly the best she had ever had, or at least it was the best she could remember having. He was amazing in bed. Which was good. She was in the most romantic place on earth by herself, for two weeks and on vacation. It actually seemed like an okay time to divulge in some odd pure sex thing.

And it would make an interesting story for when she got home. Not that she would tell Izzie or George about this. Maybe Alex. But she could definitely tell Cristina about having the most amazing sex of her life on the side of a cliff. She was still working on the side of the cliff thing, and it sounded amazing to say she had had sex on the side of a cliff. Definitely an interesting story for Seattle.

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