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Meredith smiled to herself as the bar came into view and Derek squeezed her hand a little tighter. She had come back. Last year she had promised she would be she hadn't planned on being so soon. And she definitely hadn't planned on it being with Derek. But it was. She was in Greece again, with Derek, headed toward the bar where it had all started.

It was even better than she had remembered it, which sounded cheesy, but completely true. The water, the volcanoes, the hanging off the side of a cliff thing, everything was the same, but better. And then there was Derek, Derek who hadn't been able to keep his hands off her since they had landed, since the second they had walked into the villa. It was perfect. Santorini was perfect.

"He's going to flip," Derek sighed as they reached the entrance of the bar.

"He sees you all the time, Der," she giggled, wrapping her arms around his waist.

"He hasn't seen me in a year," Derek laughed. "And he's going to flip because we're together."

"He knows, Der," she shook her head. "I call him from the trailer all the time. He knows."

"But now he's actually seeing us together."

"So there's probably going to be some flipping," she laughed, squeezing him close.

"Exactly," he nodded, kissing her quickly. "Ready?"

"Ready," she murmured against his lips.

"Hmm..." he sighed, before pulling away and opening the door to the bar.

"Koukla!" Dimitri's voice filled the small bar as they walked in. He looked older, his dark hair was more grey, there were more lines around his eyes, but he was still the same Dimitri, his face lit up with a huge grin. "Shep! Yassas! Hela tho, katsa, katsa."

"Dimitri!" Derek grinned as he walked over to the bar, dragging Meredith behind him.

"Yasou!" Dimitri chuckled as he came from behind the bar, pulling Derek into a quick hug. "You look good, my friend. Love suits you, yes?"

"Love suits me," Derek laughed, slapping his friend's back. "You look old."

"Semeta," Dimitri shook his head, turning to Meredith. "He lies, koukla. Yes?"

"Of course he lies," Meredith giggled. "You look great, Dimitri."

"Ephatisto," Dimitri grinned, pulling her into his arms. "Ti kanis, koukla? Esa amofi."

"I'm good," Meredith smiled, squeezing him tightly. "Great actually."

"Ton sedo," Dimitri grinned, kissing both her cheeks. "I know. Dimitri always knows. I say you find love, didn't I, koukla?"

"You did," Meredith grinned, looking at Derek.

"Katsa," Dimitri gestured towards the bar stools. "I tell Stefania Shep and tine Americani, they come today. And she says I no have Americani girlfriend no more."

"I stole her," Derek laughed, helping Meredith onto a stool.

"You steal her," Dimitri grinned. "Ti thes, koukla? Ouzo?"

"Ouzo," Meredith nodded. "But just one."

"Not just one," Dimitri chuckled. "You drink like Greek, koukla. Shep, he get just one."

"I can handle more than one," Derek rolled his eyes.

"Kailo semeta," Dimitri shook his head. "One ouzo for you. Thio ye tine Americani. Two, yes, koukla?"

"Two," Meredith giggled.

"Good girl," Dimitri laughed and turned to Derek. "No sad, Shep. I have surprise for you."

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