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"Guys, I'm telling you, everywhere. Every single room in the house, and it's a big house, a really big house. And so much noise. It was insane. And perfect," Izzie grinned as she sat around their crowded table at Joe's on New Years Eve, recounting her Christmas in New York.

"Mom and Izzie baked for hours," Mark laughed, throwing his arm around his girlfriend.

"Mom must have loved her," Derek laughed.

"Oh, Mom's amazing," Izzie sighed. "She's so strong and wonderful and just...amazing."

"She has you calling her Mom already?" Cristina grimaced.

"Everyone calls Mom Mom," Mark grinned.

"What else would anyone call her?" Derek asked, looking confused.

"I don't know, McDreamy, maybe Mrs. Shepherd?" Cristina rolled her eyes.

"She'd hate that," Derek shrugged. "Anyone who comes along for Christmas has to call her Mom."

"And the sisters!" Izzie exclaimed. "The sisters were all so great!"

"Were they in shock when they met you?" Derek asked, laughing slightly.

"Oh, Nancy looked like she had swallowed a lemon or something," Izzie laughed. "But they were all so great and amazing and...I mean, I had to get used to Nancy but otherwise...so great."

"Iz, I told you...Nance always looks like she just swallowed a lemon," Mark laughed.

"I know," Izzie smiled, leaning into him. "But they were all so great. Kath is just...she's such the older sister and Sophie...she's the baby but she's so sure of herself and doesn't let anyone give her shit. And Becky is...I loved Becky. I think she's probably my favorite Shepherd sister."

"What?" Derek frowned. "Soph is clearly the best."

"That's what I tried to tell her," Mark rolled his eyes. "But you know Becky with her baking and her sewing. I swear, her and Iz never left each other's sides."

"That's just sad," Derek sighed. "How mad at me were they?"

"Soph has disowned you," Mark sighed. "Kath is going to e-mail you the names of some great shrinks in the area. Nance officially hates you. Becky says she understood, but she hates you for making the kids sad. And Mom's probably on her way out."

"I'll call Soph. I'm not going to see a shrink. Nancy has hated me forever. Becky is Becky. And please tell me you're kidding about the mom thing."

"I don't think I am."

"Crap," Derek frowned. "That's...bad. Really really bad."

"What's bad?" Meredith asked as she came over with Alex, her hands filled with various drinks.

"Mom's coming," Derek sighed.

"Your...your Mom?" she paused as Alex helped her pass out drinks.

"Yeah," Derek nodded. "Because I didn't go there for Christmas."

"She's completely worried about him," Izzie sighed. "She's amazing, Mer, you'll love her. Won't she love Mom, Mark?"

"She will," Mark smirked.

"I don't...moms," Meredith stammered as she sat down next to Derek, pushing his scotch over to him and jumping slightly as their hands met.

"Sorry, Mer, I don't think you can get out of this," Derek sighed. "She's going to want to meet the best friend that I spent my Christmas with."

"Oh she definitely will," Mark's smirk deepened.

"You should try breathing," Derek murmured, leaning closer to Meredith. "It won't be bad. You have no reason to freak. I do, but you don't."

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