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This was amazing. She had read his articles, she had read articles about him but to be sitting here and actually watching the man cut, it was amazing. Right now it didn't matter that he was Derek in Greece and they had had amazing amounts of sex. It didn't even matter that he was performing a simple procedure she could have pulled off. Watching him was amazing.

She had never seen a surgeon more intense, more focused, more in tune than he was. He didn't waver from his task, he didn't allow himself to get distracted, and he never looked up from the craniotomy he was performing. From the second he had walked into the OR, he had been in charge and in control, and completely calm. Even when he joked with a scrub nurse or an intern, he was focused.

He had beautiful hands. She had noticed that in Greece and had briefly thought that he would make a good surgeon. She knew the hands well. But watching him cut was different. The way he moved them, how skilled and confident he looked, it was all amazing. Kind of actually breathtaking. Not that she would ever tell him any of this but still, she had never seen anything like this.

Her shift had ended an hour and a half ago, she should be at home in her empty apartment, but she couldn't move. She couldn't stop watching this amazing surgery, that wasn't all that amazing. She had done the exact same surgery herself the day before, but there was something...amazing about this. Watching him work was awe-inspiring, and she couldn't move.

"Stop drooling," Cristina's voice cut in to her thoughts.

"What?" Meredith breathed, not bothering to turn to look at her friend. "I'm not drooling."

"You might as well be. Is he that good?" Cristina asked, sitting down beside her.

"He's amazing," Meredith murmured. "I mean...it's a craniotomy, I know. It's just...his hands..."

"Great. Your orgasming over his hands," Cristina sighed.

"What?" Meredith turned quickly. "I'm not...there's no orgasming. None. Not over Derek Shepherd. None. Absolutely no orgasming. Ever. There has never been orgasming either."

"Okay...what am I missing?"

"You're not...he's not..." Meredith paused, taking a deep breath as she turned to look back at the surgery. "He's Derek."

"Well...yeah," Cristina nodded before her eyes widenened slightly. "Derek...Derek?"

"Derek Derek," Meredith murmured. "Greek Derek. Amazing sex Derek. Sex in the ocean Derek."

"You had sex with Dr. Derek Shepherd?"


"That is...I don't even know what that is," Cristina laughed.

"It's not funny, Cristina," Meredith groaned. "It's...it's bad. Really, really bad. Well, he wasn't bad. But it was bad. The situation...bad. Because now he's my boss and we...it's bad. It's awful."

"Of all the men in the world...him."

"Exactly. I could have slept with anyone. But I slept with him. Dr. Derek Shepherd. My boss. My freakin' boss, Cristina."

"Are you going to keep sleeping with him?"

"Okay, have you not listened to a word I said? Bad. This is bad."

"I don't see how it's bad," Cristina shrugged. "You had some hot sex.'

"We did. And now he's my boss."

"Which means no more sex why?"

"Because he's my boss. My boss, Cristina. I can't fuck my boss."

"Everyone else in this place does it."

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