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This probably wasn't the best idea. Coming to Izzie's house on Thanksgiving when Derek was already feeling completely down about it all, probably not the best idea. He hadn't planned on doing anything for the holidays, he couldn't even bring himself to get excited. He had already bought the necessary presents for the family and shipped them, but beyond that, he wanted nothing to do with the holidays.

They had been his and Addison's time. They were happy Christmas people, the second Thanksgiving hit it was holidays and everything around their home turned red and green and they'd spend every spare minute shopping. Even when they were falling apart, they had managed to pull it together from Thanksgiving to about New Years. And this year he was completely alone.

The depression had hit a couple days before, around the time that he and Addie would start bringing the ornaments and decorations down from the attic, in preparation for the day after Christmas, when his usually shopaholic wife would instead walk all over New York City, trying to find the perfect tree. And today it just felt too big. Being alone felt too big.

Which actually probably made it good that he was going to Izzie's. Not that he'd be any good company but at least he wouldn't be sitting in his trailer with far too much time to think on his hands. It was something. And Mark was there, which was the closest thing to family he wanted around. And Meredith, at least he would have Meredith to help him feel more human.

Meredith would understand this feeling. She was probably starting to feel like the loneliness was too big. And even if neither of them wanted their former significant others back, being unhappy in a relationship seemed like a better alternative than being alone right now. She would understand that, and somehow, he'd find a way to make it through this.

He pulled up to Izzie's house and felt a slight smile tug at his lips as he caught the familiar blonde hair of his best friend and the greying hair of his brother. He wasn't going to be alone. He didn't actually have somebody but at least he wouldn't be entirely alone. It was something, it had to be something. "Hey guys!" he attempted to smile as he got out of his car.

"Derek!" Meredith exclaimed as she finished off her wine. "Happy Thanksgiving!"

"Happy Thanksgiving, Mer," he laughed softly. "Do I want to know how much of that you've had?"

"I'm only slightly buzzed," she sighed, hugging him tightly. "Welcome to hell."

"Hell? Really?" he asked as he gave her a tight squeeze.

"Hell," Mark confirmed as he finished off his Scotch. "I have a crazy ass girlfriend."

"It can't be that bad," Derek frowned slightly.

"Think Mom," Mark groaned. "Only maybe slightly worse."

"Is that even possible?" Derek asked.

"Oh you poor naive little man," Cristina laughed harshly.

"I told you fresh meat would be fun," Meredith giggled.

"She's been baking since yesterday," Mark groaned. "Baking and baking and baking and now there's cooking and it won't stop."

"Well...food is generally important," Derek shrugged.

"You're cute," Meredith giggled, pouring herself more wine.

"I try," Derek rolled his eyes.

"So now I'm out here, hiding from my girlfriend," Mark sighed, passing his glass over to Cristina. "Scotch, Yang."

"Scotch," Cristina nodded and then her eyes lit up. "Is that wine, McDreamy?"

"Oh," Derek looked down at the wine bottle in his hands. "Yeah, I brought over a bottle of wine."

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