Author's Note

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Hi everyone! I can explain...🥴

So I know I have been absent for a very very long time...

It was weird when I finally opened Wattpad for the first time in like 4 years. I graduated a while ago and went to university, and had almost fully forgotten about this account due to how busy my schedule was. But then a couple of weeks ago I logged back in to remember the "old days", and suddenly saw that I still had two chapters left to post that were saved in my drafts.

I wanted to give these two the ending I had envisioned for them as this fan fiction was special to me. Adjusting a couple of paragraphs, I decided to post the raw versions as they were and I hope that the story of Manami and Shu brought some people a bit of joy. I know it did for me at the time when I was writing this.

I really wanted to show Manami's ability to connect with the Sakamakis through their shared traumas, feelings and experiences. In this way, they helped each other grow as individuals and become a family that we never really got to see in the original anime. Most importantly, I wanted to write a story of redemption. I feel like vampires represent an intricate line between life and death. And Sakamakis specifically lived life stuck in time. Almost as if they were not living but simply existing. I wanted to demonstrate a story of a girl who in meeting the Sakamakis, learns to want to live her life to the fullest yet again, after realizing she did not want to end up like them and be stuck in her past. By making Manami pick herself over Shu, and only coming back after she accomplished all her goals, I wanted to reveal the importance of life and living. A girl that is able to escape and move on from her past and rewrite her story.

(And of course I wanted to write a romantic story about Shu from how I thought it would have been ideal 😉)

I hope you like this little journey the story took you on and once again, I am sorry it took me so long to post the last chapters. For everyone who has been here from the beginning, and anyone who is new, thank you for your support and I hope you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Sending everyone some love ❤️!

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