Chapter 66: Unwavering resentment

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The kitchen is bustling with chirping and giggles

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The kitchen is bustling with chirping and giggles. Little feet were dancing here and there, flour and food powder were scattered everywhere.

Irene and Shinju were preparing everyone's favourite dinner in the kitchen and at the same time Youra was chatting with the ladies, providing some entertainment.

Her childish and vague cute talk wasn't very understandable but she looked so adorable that Shinju forgets all her desolation and her heart begins to swell with warmth seeing that lovely little girl.

"Shinu birdy" Yaura made a funny shape out of the dough with her small palm and flashed it towards Shinju who landed a kiss on her forehead.

Hearing her name being called wrongly by Youra, she gets overwhelmed by her cuteness.

"It's so cute, just like Youra's little doll" Shinju praised while pulling at her chubby cheeks, and Youra's big doe eyes sparkled.

"Leally Shinu?" Yaura stammered, her big eyes wide open, her unclear letters melting in her ears like a sweet melody.

"Youra it's aunt, not Shinu" Irene said pretending to be angry at Youra,
Youra wrinkled her nose.

"No its Shinu" Youra teased her mother by sticking out her little tongue and hid behind Shinju.

It doesn't take much time for the kids to get along with Shinju, her own childish antics keep her excited, making her want to become a child with the kids and act like them, there is no doubt that she will become a wonderful mother, if only fate hadn't been so brutal with her and her child had entered this world safely.

"It's okay unnie it sounds really cute coming from her mouth." Shinju affirmed as she hid Youra behind her.

Days passed in a mixed environment, Shinju's life was a changed wholly, where Irene Namjoon and youra's affection was helping her heal some of her shock and trauma, Jungkook's detachment made her mind suffer from unremitting torture.

It has been more than twenty days since he spoke a single gentle word to her. He would be out all day looking for a house and for his transfer work and would return to sleep at night.

It's not that he doesn't have time for her, it could never be that he lacks time for her, this is just a way of ignoring her.

He's ignoring her rigidly, ignoring conversations with her, whenever she tries to talk.

How long will this continue, how long will he keep tormenting her like this, can't he see how much pain his Shinju is in?.

Their conversation and humors came to a halt when Namjoon knocked on the door, little Youra ran to her father.

"Appa, Youla missed you..." Youra said in her own slurred voice, and Namjoon lovingly picked her up in his arms.

"Appa missed you too baby" Namjoon said kissing his daughter's pink cheeks and headed towards the kitchen carrying her in his arms.

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