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Hello darlings.

Finally I completed the first season of this book, let me tell you lovelies, it wasn't in my plan to make this book this long but once I started I couldn't stop writing,

This book has become long so I have divided it into two seasons, the second season will be available soon on my wattpad profile. And no worries, the second season won't be as long as the first one I can't promise but I will try my best to complete it in atleast 20 chapters.

And also I would like to take a moment to express my gratitude to my readers who have been following me through this book from the very beginning. Your love has brought me here, without you my journey would've ended at the very beginning, thank you very very much for tolerating my newbie work.

No matter how much I express my gratitude to you all, it is not enough. Only my heart knows how much I love you all, Only my heart knows what each of your comments and votes means to me. Your love for my work is truly inspiring.

Thank you guys again for being such wonderful readers and I will do my best to become a better author.

See you in the next edition of this book, with some new characters, some new surprises and some new shocks. Hope you will give the same love to the second season as you gave to the first one.

Lots of love from your author♥️

Happy reading....

Naomi  (jjk)✔Where stories live. Discover now