The Gift You Wanted II [JD]

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Joong's fingers moved slowly, loosening the knot of the ribbon with deliberate care. Dunk's heart raced as his eyes followed the movement, his anticipation reaching a fever pitch. The teasing was unbearable, and yet Dunk couldn't bring himself to stop Joong. The soft, silky material slid off Joong's chest, falling to the floor with a quiet rustle, leaving him standing there with that same playful glint in his eye, but now something more-something darker, more intense, simmered beneath the surface.

Dunk's throat went dry as Joong leaned in again, his lips barely brushing the skin of Dunk's neck. "This is what you wanted, right?" Joong's voice was a low, tempting whisper, sending shivers down Dunk's spine.

Unable to trust his voice, Dunk only nodded, his breath catching as Joong's lips ghosted over the sensitive skin near his ear. Joong's fingers found Dunk's wrist, guiding his hand to rest against his chest-hot skin beneath Dunk's trembling fingertips.

"I've waited all day for this moment," Joong murmured, his voice huskier now, filled with something dangerous and seductive. "I'm yours, Dunk. Do whatever you want."

The words sent a flood of heat through Dunk's body, and the tension that had built up all day finally snapped. He couldn't hold back anymore, not with Joong standing so close, looking at him like that. Dunk's hand slid up Joong's chest, his touch hesitant at first, but growing more confident as he traced the lines of muscle beneath his fingertips. His heart pounded in his chest, and every inch of his skin felt electrified by Joong's nearness.

Joong, sensing the shift, smirked and closed the distance between them completely, pressing his body flush against Dunk's. "I've been waiting for you to make a move," Joong teased, his voice low. "But if you keep hesitating, I might just have to unwrap the rest of the gift myself."

Dunk swallowed hard, his resolve crumbling. "Maybe that's exactly what I want," he breathed out, his voice barely above a whisper, but the weight of his words hung in the charged air between them.

Joong's eyes darkened at the challenge in Dunk's tone. Without another word, Joong's lips finally met Dunk's in a slow, deliberate kiss, igniting the tension that had been smoldering between them all day. The kiss was soft at first, testing, but quickly deepened, fueled by the hours of teasing and restraint that had led them to this moment. Joong's hands moved up to Dunk's neck, pulling him closer as the kiss grew more urgent, more heated.

Dunk's mind swam as Joong's scent surrounded him, his body responding eagerly to every touch, every movement. Joong broke the kiss briefly, their foreheads resting together as they caught their breath, both of them trembling from the intensity of the moment.

"Now," Joong whispered against Dunk's lips, his voice filled with promise, "let's see how you really want to unwrap your gift."

Joong's lips barely left Dunk's before diving in for another kiss-this one more eager, more consuming. Dunk's hands finally found their place, gripping Joong's waist as if to anchor himself from the whirlwind of emotions flooding through him. The soft warmth of Joong's skin beneath his fingers was intoxicating, heightening the desire that had been simmering all day.

Joong smiled against Dunk's mouth, sensing his hesitation dissipating as they moved together. His hands slid down Dunk's back, pulling their bodies even closer, if that was even possible. The heat between them was palpable now, the tension fully unleashed as they pressed against one another.

"You're shaking," Joong teased, his voice breathless but full of that playful edge. He brushed his lips along Dunk's jawline, his breath hot against Dunk's skin. "Are you nervous?"

Dunk barely managed to stifle a groan, his mind clouded with want. "Maybe I'm just...excited."

Joong chuckled, his lips ghosting over Dunk's collarbone. "Is that so?"

His teasing tone was driving Dunk wild, pushing him to the brink of his patience. He wanted Joong-he had wanted him for longer than he could admit to anyone, even himself. And now, with Joong standing here, offering himself like a perfectly wrapped gift, Dunk couldn't think straight anymore.

"I think you're holding back," Joong whispered, his hands sliding up to cup Dunk's face, forcing him to meet his gaze. His dark, hungry eyes locked with Dunk's, making his heart pound wildly in his chest. "I'm yours, Dunk. All of me."

Dunk's breath hitched at the intensity in Joong's voice, the weight of those words sending a shockwave through his body. There was no teasing now, no playful banter-just raw desire and the silent invitation to take what he wanted.

"Then don't make me wait," Dunk replied, his voice hoarse with need. He leaned in, kissing Joong with a newfound hunger, his hands gripping Joong's shirt as if afraid to let go. Joong's body responded instantly, his own hands tugging at Dunk's clothes, desperate to feel more of him, to close the distance between them completely.

The room around them seemed to disappear, leaving only the two of them, tangled in each other's arms, the rest of the world falling away as the tension finally snapped, releasing them both into the moment they had been waiting for all day.

"Let me show you," Joong whispered, his lips brushing against Dunk's ear, sending shivers down his spine. "How I want to be unwrapped."

Joong's words were a quiet command, sending a rush of heat through Dunk's body. His breath caught as Joong's lips moved lower, brushing featherlight kisses down his neck, leaving a trail of warmth in their wake. Dunk's hands trembled slightly, but the tension between them was too electrifying to ignore.

Joong's fingers tugged at Dunk's shirt, a silent request. Dunk, still a little dazed by the intensity of the moment, lifted his arms, allowing Joong to pull the fabric over his head. The cool air kissed his skin, but it was quickly replaced by the warmth of Joong's touch, sending sparks through his body. Joong's hands roamed freely now, tracing the lines of Dunk's chest, slow and deliberate, as if savoring every second.

Dunk couldn't hold back any longer. His own hands found their way to Joong's waist, tugging him closer, wanting-needing-more of him. "You've been teasing me all day when we were filming," Dunk murmured against Joong's lips, the words coming out more breathless than he intended. "I can't take it anymore."

Joong grinned, that playful glint returning to his eyes. "That's the point," he whispered, before kissing Dunk again-harder this time, more urgent. It wasn't just teasing anymore; it was raw, unfiltered desire, and Dunk could feel it in every movement, every touch.

Joong pressed forward, guiding them both toward the couch, his hands never leaving Dunk's body, as if he couldn't stand to break contact for even a second. Dunk stumbled slightly as they moved, his legs bumping into the edge of the couch, but Joong was quick to steady him, his grip firm and possessive.

With Dunk seated, Joong towered over him, the red ribbon still loosely draped over his shoulders, reminding Dunk of the playful promise from earlier. Joong's eyes darkened as he slowly, deliberately, reached up to untie the last knot of the ribbon, letting it fall to the ground with a soft thud.

"You said you'd open it later," Joong whispered, his voice low and full of promise. He leaned down, his face just inches from Dunk's, his breath warm against his skin. "I think now's the perfect time."

Dunk's heart was racing, every nerve in his body alight with anticipation. He pulled Joong down onto the couch, his hands roaming freely, exploring the familiar lines of his body. Joong groaned softly, the sound sending a thrill through Dunk, urging him on.

As the night deepened, the tension between them finally gave way to something even more powerful-desire, raw and unfiltered, that had been building for far too long. Joong's hands guided Dunk through every moment, teasing, tantalizing, until there was nothing left but the two of them-

wrapped up in each other.

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