The Dare. [DunkJoong]

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Joong and Pond are the most popular guys at school, known for their reckless dares and never backing down from a challenge. Their dares usually consist of wild pranks or bold, often ridiculous, tasks that test the limits of what they can get away with. One day, Pond comes up with what he thinks is the ultimate dare: challenge Joong to seduce the shy, innocent-looking Dunk, a quiet student who keeps to himself.

Joong, never one to refuse a dare, confidently accepts, thinking it'll be an easy task. However, as Joong approaches Dunk, expecting him to be awkward and naive, he quickly realizes he's in for something entirely different. Dunk isn't the timid, shy guy Joong thought he was-in fact, Dunk is the one who takes control of the situation, turning the tables on Joong in ways he never anticipated.

Joong leaned against the lockers, his usual confident smirk in place as he watched the busy hallway. Students moved like a river, everyone either rushing to their next class or lingering by their lockers to chat with friends. Beside him, Pond nudged his arm, pulling him out of his thoughts.

"I have a new one," Pond said, eyes gleaming mischievously. Dares between them had always been bold, reckless even, but never boring.

Joong raised a brow, intrigued. "Oh yeah? What this time? Steal the principal's lunch again? Or maybe pour glue on the cheerleading captain's chair?"

Pond shook his head, a sly smile playing on his lips. "Nah, those are child's play. I'm thinking... bigger."

Joong folded his arms, leaning back with an amused grin. "I'm listening."

Pond scanned the crowd like a hunter surveying its prey, then suddenly nodded his head toward the far end of the hall. "Him. Dunk."

Joong followed Pond's gaze, his eyes landing on the subject of the new dare: Dunk. The shy, innocent-looking guy was at his locker, sorting through his books, blissfully unaware that he was about to be dragged into one of Joong and Pond's infamous dares.

Joong's brow furrowed slightly. "Dunk? What's the dare, spill coffee on his sweater or something?"

Pond's grin widened as he leaned in closer, lowering his voice conspiratorially. "No, no. I dare you to try to have sex with him."

Joong's smirk faltered for the briefest second, but he quickly recovered, flashing his trademark grin. "You want me to sleep with him? The shy, quiet Dunk?"

Pond nodded, biting back a laugh. "That's right. I bet you can't do it. He looks like he wouldn't even know what to do with a kiss, let alone anything else."

Joong scoffed, not one to back down from a dare, no matter how ridiculous it sounded. "Please. It'll be easy. Just watch."

But what Joong didn't know, what Pond hadn't anticipated, was that Dunk wasn't as innocent as he looked. Joong was about to be in for the surprise of a lifetime.

With a confident stride, Joong pushed off the locker and made his way toward Dunk. Pond watched with amusement, already anticipating how Joong would later boast about how quickly he could charm the quiet guy. But as Joong approached Dunk, something in the way Dunk casually glanced up from his locker-those eyes, calm yet assessing-made Joong hesitate for just a fraction of a second.

"Hey," Joong greeted smoothly, leaning a little too close to appear nonchalant. "Dunk, right?"

Dunk glanced up at him, unfazed. "Yeah."

Joong leaned against the locker beside Dunk, his voice lowering to what he thought was a seductive tone. "So, listen... I was thinking maybe you and I could hang out sometime."

Dunk's expression didn't change, his eyes flickering over Joong briefly before returning to his books. "Hang out? Like friends or something more?"

Joong blinked. The calm, direct response threw him off guard, but he quickly recovered. "Something more, if you're into that."

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