A Sandwich With A Side Of Flirting [JD]

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Dunk had always been the type to share. It wasn't anything extraordinary-just little things here and there. An extra pen during class, a few snacks when someone looked hungry. So when he noticed Joong, his quiet and perpetually mysterious project partner, never brought lunch, his first instinct was to offer.

It was lunchtime, and Dunk sat at their usual table, nervously glancing over at Joong, who was, as always, sitting at the far end of the room, buried in his phone.

Dunk wasn't sure if Joong even liked sandwiches, but it seemed like a good icebreaker. Plus, Joong had been working hard on their project (surprisingly), and this felt like a nice gesture.

Dunk took a deep breath and walked over. "Hey," he started, holding out half of his sandwich with a shy smile. "Want some? You never bring anything to eat."

Joong looked up, eyebrow raised, eyes flicking from the sandwich to Dunk. There was a beat of silence, and just when Dunk thought he'd miscalculated, Joong's lips curled into a smirk.

"Why settle for half," Joong said in a low, teasing voice, "when I could just take the whole thing... and maybe you too?"

Dunk's brain short-circuited. His eyes widened, and before he could process the absolutely ridiculous (and possibly flirtatious?) statement, he choked on the sip of juice he'd just taken.

Joong, meanwhile, stood up calmly, patted Dunk's back with all the concern of someone mildly amused, and walked off, as if he hadn't just derailed Dunk's entire thought process with a single sentence.

Dunk sat there, sandwich in hand, heart racing.

What just happened?

Joong was always quiet, keeping to himself, and Dunk had never once imagined he could say something so... bold.

Did he just flirt with me? No... maybe I imagined it? Dunk thought, trying to calm his racing heart. But the smirk, the tone of Joong's voice-it all felt intentional.

He glanced back to where Joong had casually strolled off, now leaning against the wall, scrolling through his phone like nothing out of the ordinary had occurred.

Dunk let out a long breath and shook his head. "Nope. Not thinking about this anymore. It's just Joong being weird." He muttered to himself, though his mind was already spinning with a thousand different interpretations.

Still, as much as he tried to brush it off, his thoughts kept circling back to Joong's words. He wasn't the type to tease... or flirt... or even really talk to anyone, for that matter. So why suddenly this?

Before Dunk could spiral any further, Joong's voice broke through his thoughts.

"Dunk, you're spacing out. Let's finish the project after lunch."

Dunk jolted upright, nodding too quickly. "Y-yeah, sure! Uh, thanks for-uh-thanks!" He had no idea why he was thanking Joong, but his brain wasn't exactly functioning right now. Joong merely gave him a look that seemed to say you're weird, before walking ahead toward the library.

Dunk groaned and slapped a hand over his face. "Great. I've officially lost my mind."

But as he followed Joong, his eyes still lingered on the back of his partner's head, mind unable to shake that teasing smirk.

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