Truly In Love With A Monster II [JD]

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The next night, Joong stood behind the bar as usual, but something felt off. He had expected Dunk to come in like he always did, flashing that playful grin, making another bold attempt to get under his skin. But hours passed, and Dunk never showed.

Joong found himself scanning the door more than once, irritated with how much he noticed Dunk's absence. The regular patrons were there, chatting, laughing, and drinking, but none of them filled the void Dunk had left. The human's persistence had been a constant thorn in Joong's side, yet now, without it, the bar felt strangely empty.

Khaotung, always perceptive, wandered over Joong, raising an eyebrow as he caught his brother's distracted expression. "Looking for someone?"

Joong snapped out of his thoughts and shot his brother a cold glance. "No."

Khaotung smirked knowingly, leaning on the counter. "Really? You seemed pretty focused on the door all night. Didn't think I'd notice?"

Joong ignored him, busying himself with wiping down the bar. But Khaotung wasn't letting it go that easily. "So...what's up with you and Dunk?" he asked, his tone casual but clearly fishing for information. "That performance last night-he basically confessed in front of the whole bar."

Joong stiffened at the mention of Dunk. He didn't want to think about that ridiculous karaoke stunt, or the way Dunk's words had lingered in his mind long after the crowd had gone home.

"There's nothing between us," Joong said flatly. "He's a human. We don't mix. You know that."

"Sure," Khaotung replied, though his tone was unconvinced. "But you didn't stop him either. Could've kicked him out or banned him from coming back, but you didn't. Why's that?"

Joong didn't answer. He didn't have one.

Khaotung chuckled softly. "You know, it wouldn't be the first time someone broke the rules for love. You act like you're above it, but even you aren't immune, Joong. Humans, monsters-none of that matters when feelings are involved."

Joong shot him a sharp look. "Stop. This isn't a joke. You know what would happen if anyone found out."

Khaotung held up his hands in mock surrender. "Hey, I'm not saying you should dive headfirst into a forbidden romance. Just... don't pretend you don't care, okay? Dunk put himself out there last night. The least you could do is acknowledge it."

With that, Khaotung walked away, leaving Joong to stew in his own conflicted thoughts.

But he didn't.

The next few nights followed the same pattern. No Dunk. No teasing remarks. No bold attempts to catch Joong's attention. The absence was unsettling, and Joong hated how much he noticed it. Dunk had become part of the bar's rhythm, part of his rhythm. And now that he was gone, Joong felt off-balance.

One evening, as the bar quieted down toward closing time, Joong found himself standing outside, leaning against the wall. The cool night air brushed against his skin, doing little to calm the strange restlessness that had been growing inside him.

He didn't want to admit it, but he missed Dunk. He missed the way Dunk would laugh even when Joong brushed him off, how he kept coming back despite the laws and the risks. Dunk had challenged Joong's resolve, and now that he had stepped back, Joong wasn't sure what to do with the space he had left behind.

Lost in thought, Joong almost didn't notice the faint sound of footsteps approaching until a familiar voice broke the silence.

"You waiting for someone?"

Joong turned sharply, his gaze meeting Dunk's. The human stood a few feet away, hands shoved in his pockets, his usual teasing grin absent. He looked more serious than Joong had ever seen him.

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