Your heart can hold many children

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Sanem lay in bed with her head resting against the expanse of her husband's bare chest. Her fingers slowly traced the albatross tattoo on his left pectoral as they had done hundreds of times before. His natural body heat kept her body warm as her mind tried to work out the various scenarios looking for answers to their questions. Ultimately they centered around the little boy with a curly head of hair and expressive eyes that slept with his nanny in one of their guest rooms on the opposite side of the house. They had all agreed that the best place for them was within their family's protective embrace. The child had lost its mother, had been taken from his only home, and had been in hiding since then. He was a victim in Yigit's gross scheme and keeping the child hidden and safe was their single priority now. Unfortunately doing so put them in more danger on top of obstructing the law. An active investigation, a court trial, and Yigit's potential custody claim. She knew that Can would be freed of suspicion if the child was discovered and the truth revealed but that would expose the child and endanger him further and that was something neither of them would do willingly. "Sanem ... sevgilim, you haven't slept at all. You will be exhausted if you don't find your rest. Trust me, let me handle this. You have the biggest responsibility here with the triplets. I will figure this out and with Metins help and my father's we will find a way out of this mess. Yigit won't get his hands on that child just use him for his crazy schemes. I won't allow it". She lifted her head up and stared at the love of her life. On this early morning with the room still dark she could just make out his features. He was the most beautiful man she had ever laid eyes on, but his heart was even more beautiful. "I trust you, of course, but I can't help but worry. As long as Yigit is unaware of the boy's whereabouts he is safe, but how long can we keep him hidden? The nanny has given up her life in Italy to protect him and yet how is she to live a normal life? I can't see a solution to this right now and I'm scarred for us too. Our babies, you and me, when will we live our own lives without the threat of Yigit looming over us? I wish he had died. I wish he had never..."

Can could feel the tension in her body as she lay up next to him. She was awake and silent but her fingers on his chest kept their constant movement which meant she was trying to work out a problem. As they finally spoke and she verbalized her thoughts that led her down an ugly path he shifted and turned his body away from her bringing her gently beneath him as he now loomed over her, resting his body's weight on his bent arm. With his free hand, he moved the long strands of hair away from her face as he searched her eyes which he could barely see in the dark. She was even more beautiful now than the day he met her. She was filled with love and that glowed from within. "Sanem.... Yigit will never leave that prison. Not alive. He will spend the rest of his days there, and if we are able, he will never know where his son is. He doesn't deserve to know and that child doesn't deserve to have him as a father. Metin and I have come up with a plan but he has a few things to figure out first before we are ready to talk about it with you. It will mean that both you and the nanny will need to agree. Please trust me on this. I don't want you to worry you have our children to care for and your health to maintain. Besides that little boy has a crush on you, and if he sees you worried, he may not fare so well". Her slow smile made his heart clench. He knew that putting the children at the forefront of her concern would shake off her dark thoughts even though he agreed with them. She had a heart of gold and it was just like her to worry about everyone else but he meant it when he said she needed to concern herself with her healing. As much as he needed to fix this, he needed her to be healthy. He lowered his fact until their lips were inches apart. Her eyes were luminous as she stared back at him and his body reacted to their closeness as it always would but it was too soon for any of that. "Trust me and let me lead. You have done enough with all you have found out, but I need to know you are safe for me to dive into this. Can you do that for me? Will you?" Her hand moved from his arm and to his face as she traced his lips slowly "I can, and I will". He leaned the extra inch to take her lips in a slow and gentle kiss. His body leaned into hers gently, fully aware of her soft more delicate frame that had undergone a huge transformation and was now slowly knitting back together. He felt her breast push against his chest in the soft cotton fabric of her bralette. His arm slid behind her back and pressed her even closer relishing in the feel of her pushed against him. He was torturing himself but it felt so good and so right. He could feel her hardened nipples against his bare skin and it sent ripples of pleasure through him. His other hand slid up her hip and over the band of her pajama shorts that hugged her in all the right places. Motherhood had exposed even more curves and valleys that he was eager to explore but now was not the time. She was his to care for and he wouldn't put his lust for her above that. Not now or ever. As her leg folded over his and her mouth took over the kiss he realized that it would be so much harder than he thought. His body was demanding action but his brain was in control, barely. When he pulled away, with a sigh, he smiled and pecked her nose as he shifted to her side. "You are dangerous Sanem Divit, you could make any man lose his head and his will with just one look at you". Her eyes never left his face and when she replied his heart clenched and thudded in his chest. "There is only one man for me and he is the father of my children. He owns my heart and my body. He is my heart and always will be. I love you Can Divit, so so much".

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