Thirty Four | M I S S I N G

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I took a deep breath as I walked towards the Chateau where JJ and John B were sat. As I approached, I saw the two of them sitting on the edge of the dock, their backs to me. I cleared my throat to announce my presence, and they turned to face me, "Hey, Scar," JJ said. "Perfect you're here."

"I've been calling you all day." John B says.

"Yeah, I know. I wanted to talk in person." I say.I hesitated, then blurted out the truth. "The cross is melted."

John B's eyes narrowed, his face darkening. "What do you mean it's melted, Scarlett?"

I swallowed hard, preparing for the fallout. "Rafe did it. I'm sorry, I know how much it meant to you guys."

JJ stood up, his eyes flashing with anger. "You're sorry? You're sorry? You're the one who let Rafe get his hands on it!"

I felt a sting from his words, but I knew I deserved it. "I know, JJ, I'm so sorry. But in that moment on the boat I couldn't just let the cross sink to the bottom of the ocean."

John B felt a lump form in my throat as he looked at me. "Okay the cross is melted, but I need to tell you something."

I raised an eyebrow, "What is it?"

He took a deep breath, "Dad's in trouble. He's been kidnapped in South America."

The dock fell silent, the only sound the lapping of the water against the shore. "What?" I took a seat next to John B, "How did this happen?"

"He got kidnapped when we found an artifact," John B's eyes hardened, "We need to get him back, Scar. We can't just sit around and do nothing."

I grabbed JJ, John B, and the Twinkie, and we headed to Doe Creek, the last known location of Big John. Our mission was to find him and get information about our dad's whereabouts from this guy named Neville. As we arrived at the riverbank, JJ squinted at the water. "Alright, so we're looking for... a houseboat."

John B followed JJ's gaze and pointed to a vessel in the distance. "That looks like a houseboat."

I turned to John B, concerned. "Well, you think he's there?"

John B shrugged, his uncertainty clear. "I don't know. I mean..."

JJ, always ready for action, cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted, "Hey! Neville!" I quickly grabbed his hands, stopping him. "Stop it, JJ!"

JJ looked at me, confused. "What?"

"What do you mean, what? He thinks people are trying to kill him, do you want him to start firing shots?" I asked, exasperated.

JJ nodded, understanding. "Ah, okay, it's a death trap."

"Yeah, unfortunately, we don't have a choice. He's the only guy alive who knows where our dad is," John B said, his determination evident.

We jumped into the water and swam to the boat, JJ making a deliberate effort to avoid splashing. As we climbed aboard, John B cautioned JJ to be careful, and we made our way inside. The air was tense, and the stove was still warm, indicating that Neville was indeed on the boat.

Just as we were about to call out, a man dropped from the roof, machete in hand, shouting, "Devils!" JJ and I ducked, while John B tried to grab the attacker's arms. Neville was terrified.

JJ tried to restrain Neville, but he was too strong. John B tried to reason with him, but Neville was beyond listening. In the chaos, Neville elbowed me in the face, and I stumbled back, blood pouring from my nose.

JJ jumped on Neville's back, putting him in a chokehold. "Stop, stop! We know Professor Sowell," John B shouted, trying to calm the situation.

Neville's eyes darted back and forth, but he slowly relaxed, his grip on the machete loosening. JJ slowly released him, and Neville took a deep breath. "Who gave you that name?"

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