\\Chapter Three\\

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Picture of Christopher above>>>>>

~You emotionally mindfucked me. You and I will always be unfinished business~

\\Chapter Three\\


There are things in life we don't want to happen where we have to accept things we don't want to know. We have to learn to let people whom we can't live without go. This is something I am about to demonstrate now.

"Arianna?" a pained voice calls out for me. It sounds tortured, embedded with agony and anguish.

I bite my lip harshly taking shallow breaths, arranging my thoughts not to mess this whole act up. "I need to talk to you," I announce stiffly unable to meet his gaze.

"Why aren't you answering my texts or phone calls? Hell, I haven't seen you in weeks," he implies worriedly, eyebrows itched together in concern.

"Nothing is wrong. I was just kind of busy." I come up with this unlogical response trying hard not to lose my cool.

"Busy? From your own boyfriend?" he asks astonished. He doesn't try to bode his pain or anger as if proving to me I made a mistake. He crosses his arms around his chest in a way of shielding himself from what is to come.

I lower my gaze to the ground, my lip quivering unable to come up with the right response. "I'm sorry," I whisper croakily.

As if sensing my emotions, he takes quick strides towards me and engulfs me in a warm hug. "Shhh. It's okay, my blueberry. I just missed you so much and I just blew up." He speaks gently into my ear soothing my nerves as I melt in his arms. He has always been so soft when dealing with me. Never aggressive or rough as if I was a small infant he's protecting from this harsh world. "Come. Let's go somewhere," he says anxiously pulling me outside into the pouring rain.

"Christopher! What the hell are you thinking? We'll get sick like this. Let's go inside and talk," I yell at him.

"No. It is always more romantic and cheesy in the pouring rain. See, Arianna, I want this to be perfect. I honestly can't wait any longer." He smiles and sends me a wink while he extends his arm to get something from his pocket.

"Christopher, stop," I order sternly, but he doesn't acknowledge me and pulls a small box out.

I look at the box petrified as tears start to pool in my eyes. No ... no... just no. Fear grips my heart pumping more blood into my body.

"Christopher, I said damn stop!" I yell from the top of my lungs. His actions halt instantly when he hears my voice and turns to face me with a confused yet serious look on his handsome face.

"Stop. Just stop." I repeat crazily to myself shaking uncontrollably. This was supposed to be the best moment of my life but it was quickly tarnished.

I feel his arms around me before I hear his words. He is also frightened but for total different reasons. He is scared for me.

"Arianna, are you okay? Are you sick?" He questions freaking out unable to figure out what is wrong with me.

"Ohh, shit! I shouldn't have made you stand in the rain. Let's get you inside, sweetheart." He hurriedly carries me inside, but before he opens the front door I release myself from his arms forcefully slightly swaying as my legs touch the ground.

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