\\Chapter Seventeen\\

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~You found parts of me I didn't know existed and in you I found a love I no longer believed was real~

\\Chapter Seventeen\\

"I swear I didn't know." Elena was quick to explain herself.

I threw daggers her way thinking of sundry ways to strangle her. "How about the truth now?" I spat my words through clenched teeth, regretting accepting her invitation.

"I told you, I didn't prepare for this. I think it's mere coincidence. No need to-"

"Truth." I pronounced the word slowly as my blood boiled.

She looked at me for a second, an innocent mien settling on her face. She strongly believed her stunt would actually work on me, but, unfortunately for her, I knew her more than she knew herself.

Guilt started to conquer that inculpable expression in her eyes, slowly replacing the calm composure she was trying hard to maintain by a wrecked ball of nervousness. "Alright. I planned it." She squirmed slightly under my gaze, shoulders hunched downward, and her lips dandled in a huff.

I remained silent still casting her miff ganders.

"I wanted you to congregate with Christopher on this special day. I figured this would be the right time for both of you to finally perceive what you two are severely missing." She sighed frustrated by her ravaged plan.

"And what makes you to think that we want to reunite? Or even think of going back together?" I questioned vexed by this idea and the fact that she's stubbornly leading me towards my own doom.

"Are you shitting me right now, Arianna?" She whisper-yelled. "It's clear that you're still desperately holding on to his fragile love thread, frightened it will eventually slip lissomely from between your slippery fingers. Why are you still so persistent on denying that?"

Because that thread has been clutched by another. Someone that has a real lover waiting on the other side. Knitting that thread into a full comfy sweater. A sweater so perfect that any loose thread, like the ones I was holding onto, are quickly eliminated.

"Elena, I said before, we're over this." My hands clenched galled by her topic. Leading me to believe in some blissful fantasy won't do me any good. Yes, I loved Christopher, but it's just one-sided.

"Sure, you are. Like I'm over Zac Efron's abs." She rolled her eyes.

"You know what? Let's forget all about this and try to have a decent night. I don't want us to fight over this today. Agree?"

"Totally." She rolled her eyes faking enthusiasm.

"As long as they don't see us, it'll be fine," I muttered to myself as a foreign feeling rested in my stomach.

"I think I'm going to have steak for tonight. What about you?" I asked her gently flipping through the menu, ignoring the fact that Christopher was just a few feet away from me, acting all lovey-dovey with his fiancé.

"How about-" Elena stopped mid-sentence on the spur of the moment. I looked upward sure that a hot man just captured her attention.

"Elena?" I questioned skeptical of what tied her energetic tongue.

"Don't look backwards," she mostly mouthed uneasily.

Yeah, definitely a handsome one and she aims to preserve him for her eyes only.

And I do what stupid people always do. Exactly the opposite of what they're told. And nothing in this whole wide world would have prepared me to witness that.

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