\\Chapter Six\\

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Picture of Dylan above>>>>>

~Before I die I wanna kiss you in the snow~

\\Chapter Six\\

My small window is the only barrier separating me from the dank empty streets of London. Not a single human-being is seen and no animaly dares to appear, fearing the silence that is occupying the place. The wind howl like a swirling storm and the thick mist acts like a smooth curtain hiding the beautiful features of nature leaving nothing to be admired.

Walking slowly through these streets that I was just observing a minute ago isn't what I was planning for. The only one to blame is my anxiety and depression that forced me out to this senseless place. Yesterday after I was examined, the doctor gave me medications and strict orders to leave the house more often other than work. He claimed that I suffer from a panic disorder that was left untreated which made me very likely suffer from agoraphobia and depression. He stated that being alone for a long period time with my toxic thoughts roaming around in my head wasn't healthy especially if I had experienced trauma at a small age. He also left me the choice to seek therapy knowing well that I would dislike that. So currently I am treading down these abandoned roads, blaming my emptiness and loneliness that made me unite with the same emptiness and silence of London streets.

Wallking where to? I don't have a slightest clue, as my feet functioned on their own leading me to the unknown. No destination, no place in precise, just wondering around lost in my own track.

Time passes and my feet still don't stop. I am in some kind of haze not acknowledging my surroundings. Last night Eliana stayed the night which I was thankful for. We talked about ourselves, our friendship, things we missed about each other. I am sure that our bond is mending slowly after we started gathering its pieces one by one. I remain a little bit shaken by the whole incident because after the medical team arrived, they forced me to go to the hospital with them and there the doctor told me that if Elena didn't find me, I might had had a heart attack from my severe panic. As soon as Elena heard those words she paled, terrified that my panic attaks could go that far. Lucky I didn't tell her how far they reached when I was in university. All the students new about my condition and stayed away from me.

I shake away the memory of people giving me judgmental stares accusing me of having a mental problem, urging that I should be in a mental institution. While I am busy welling on the past I don't notice where my feet stop. I look around me with a mixed emotions of sadness and happiness at the same time. Happiness for what I had and sadness for what I lost.

All around me are familiar places covered in a white mattress. The snow covers every naked tree and adds magical touches of peace and tranquility on the nature. A colossal powerful spell is casted on this spot. The lake is frozen with ice layers formed on the ground. Magic white seeds are falling from the sky as the wind plays a slow nostalgic rhythm. I walk towards the lake and sit under a now white willow. Before I can enjoy the scene in front of me something clicks in my mind causing me to stand quickly and remove the snowflakes that are covering the willow's bark.

My eyes soften as they land on a fragment of what I lost. Flashbacks flow back in my mind as I fall into a puddle of my own memories.


"Hey! Come back here." He yells.

"Come and catch me bad boy." I challenge him chuckling lightly as the chilly breeze plays with my hair.

"You asked for it beautiful." With one swift motion, Christopher is behind me and I am flying in the air.

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