\\Chapter Ten\\

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Song: Cecilia And The Satellite by Andrew McMahon.

~If we dusted her heart, his fingerprints would be the only print we'd find~

\\Chapter Ten\\


"I can't see a thing."

"That's the point, beautiful," he huskily whispers into my ear and engulfs me into a big fluffy hug from the back, still having an annoying cloth wrapped securely around my eyes.

"Should I be worried?" I amusedly ask with a smile lingering on my lips.

I sense his warm breath on my neck sending shivers down my body, before he lets out a chuckle. "Maybe." He turns me around so that I'm facing him, a bit of mischief in his tone.

"This whole thing is till now a surprise date, but I have no doubt you're going to ruin it by your stupid questions." He rolls his eyes remembering the last time he planned a surprise date and it ended up with him sulking in the corner after I figured the whole thing out. 

"You know me so well, Parks." I smirk happily sure that he's sensing the triumph in my voice.

"Can't you for once let me be all romantic,  and take my gorgeous girlfriend on an unforgettable date? Or is that much to ask?" He nags adorably completely frustrated with me.

"Fine. Let's continue this fairytale date to see where I might end. Happy?" I huff noisily blowing locks of hair off my face.

"Very!" He yells joyfully and grabs my hand dragging me with him.

"Slow down a bit. Don't forget I can't see a thing all thanks to this annoying cloth," I yell loudly, but he isn't concentrating on me. All he is doing is running and making me stumble and shuffle.

I try to catch my breath, but Christopher keeps on running not acknowledging me.
I am about to shout out my exhaustion to him, but suddenly my feet are swept off the ground as a surprised gasp escapes my lips. Christopher places me on his shoulders so easily as if I weighed like a feather, and then resumes his walking. He hold my hands tightly towards my knees afraid that I might use them to sneak a peek.

A minute of silence passes before I speak. It seems like he's been walking for a good ten minutes now. My mood drops with each passing second.

"Christopher?" I whisper.

"Yes, blueberry?"

"What happens if we broke up someday? Will you still care?" In moments like these, I am glad that the stupid cloth covers my eyes. I am terrified to see something that will surely break me.

Christopher stops urgently, speaking without a slight hesitation, as if he wouldn't give them another thought. "Always. Don't ever doubt that, Arianna. Don't worry though, I won't ever break up with you, angel."

I wave of relief splashes me gently, leaving a satisfying sensation all through my body.


"Yes, darling?"

"Nothing." I smile wholeheartedly as I sense Christopher slowly pulling me off his shoulders and placing me gently on the ground.

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