\\Chapter Twenty Six\\

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~I don't want you in bits and pieces, I want you all, good and bad, till every last atom~

\\Chapter Twenty Six\\

Christopher POV

It's a blithering sensation that crawled through my bones. An igniting zeal glowed inside of my body, something I'd never experienced before. It's something new. Something that had been buried in my depths for so long that I had forgotten the way it felt. The way this nostalgic feeling wrapped around me covering me like a blanket made me relaxed after struggling for so long to find my calmness.

She's my soothing waves. My tranquil, my peace.

My eyes opened gently still dazed by sleepiness, blinking a few times before focusing. I shifted my body slightly expecting to see her adorable sleepy face. She's the best thing that can be wrapped in my arms, sensing my protection, the way that I wanted to shield her from anything that could harm her. To make her safe, except that she wasn't here.

Her side was empty and her place was left cold. My head fell back on the pillow as a huff slowly blew out from my mouth. She still left without a decent goodbye. I was going to have to teach her new parting methods that suited the both of us. I couldn't have her ditching me all the time. Her face suddenly popped in my head and a satisfied smile quickly spread onto my face. The events of yesterday still made my mind buzz with thoughts. I inhaled a deep breath as I remembered her melodic voice and angelic face, so delicate and pure. She's just perfect the way she was. I was loving her all over again.

Idiot! You never stopped loving her. You're still the hopeless boy that couldn't live with her.

My mind screamed the truth to me as I smiled and shook my head. God, that girl. I'd never missed anyone in my life more than I missed her. I missed her like a mother missed her child, like a bird missing its nest, like a sky missing its clouds. She's a part of my life that could never be replaced. I had finally allowed myself to see this and missed her even more.

I guessed we had to fall apart in order to fall for each other over again. We thought time would heal us as it sprayed it's portion of forgetfulness on us along the years. How wrong we were. Time really healed what's broken, but our love wasn't ever broken. Maybe we were wrecked people, but our love wasn't. It was just detached and needed fixing. Only our bonding could fix our love.

The phone on my nightstand rang bringing me out of my daydreams. I groaned in annoyance as I partially sat in bed and grabedb it.


"Christopher!? Arianna, she got in an... I don't know what happened - Oh my God, Christopher! I can't. What if she doesn't make-? Christopher... my God." Elena's panicking voice invaded my ears as I was left trying to comprehend her rushed words. Her voice was brittle and shaky. It's like I could taste the fear seeping from her words.

"Elena, slow down. Tell me from the beginning, what's wrong?" My voice was calm as sleep faded slowly from my eyes.

Her sobs were the only thing I heard as she struggled to talk. Every time she opened her mouth to speak, a loud weep escaped. It's like I had to translate her cries in order to understand. The misery in her weeps started to settle in my body, and slowly, I started to fear what she had to say.

"Arianna... Christopher, she got...in an accident. I don't know what to do."

Her words jolted me out of my relaxed state as my body grew rigid and, my mind went straight to shock unable to acknowledge if I just heard her or it's just a mere hallucination. My eyes wandered back to her empty spot on my bed as I was unable to react properly. Did I hear that right?

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