\\Chapter Twenty Four\\

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~I don't care very much for the world ending. It has ended for me so many times and began again in the morning~

\\Chapter Twenty Four\\

I've always believed that looking for answers only led to more questions. That sometimes you're better off without knowing. That time asked questions and sometimes time answered them.

But the thing was, believing sometimes needed to be believed in. I trusted that the answers would eventually come to me, but the errors, in my opinion, slowly appeared. No one believed that I actually deserved to hear those answers, or maybe they didn't want me to hear more than I should know.

Now was the my time to know. To stop waiting for what I needed to hear to come to me. My life nearly ended and many things would have remained a mystery.

It's the time for me to leap ahead and it's just a matter of luck whether I fall or fly. It's a risk that I was willing to take for one last time.

"Where to, again, miss?" The taxi driver asked for the second time.

"Mathew's Empire, please." I removed my hands from my phone for a second looking ahead of me. My mind still roamed around the text I received yesterday. First, I thought I was dreaming, but when I unlocked my phone, I was proven wrong.

If I were in Claire's place, I would have a lot to talk about too, but I was not there. I couldn't possibly have a conversation with her. My fingers itched to delete the message, but I couldn't. Claire didn't do anything wrong. She only gave the man I love everything I never offered. She was there while I wasn't. She's a good person and people like her didn't deserve to have their lives messed up by someone's mistake.

"We're here, miss."

My mind shifted from the topic as I paid the driver and got out of the cab. Here I was meeting with a man that held the most answers for my questions. If he couldn't enlighten me, then nobody could. He knew so much while I knew less than what was good for me. Standing in front of Dylan's company was a bit frightening, and the weather seemed to agree with me on that, as the wind blew harshly making me reconsider my steps. As I took the elevator, my mind was on a roller coaster, I kept questioning myself if I was really doing the right thing by coming here. As soon as the elevators' doors opened, I knew that when I'll step foot out of this building, nothing will ever remain the way it was.

"Welcome. Mr. Mathew is waiting for you." His secretary lead the way to his office while my eyes were fixed on his door.

The door between my past and future. Simple questions that would either unlock another door for me or lock me in my very dark place.

His office was everything I expected it to be. Cold as its occupier.

"I knew you'd eventually pay me a visit." His voice held emptiness, leaving an echo of such void in everyone that heard it.

I slowly took my seat, inhaling slightly. I needed to know the whole truth. Right from the start.

"You don't look well." He looked at me impassively, neither with concern nor with worry. He's just stating the obvious.

"I want the truth." It's a command I was throwing his way. I didn't have anymore time to waste. Every second costed a fortune. He raised his eyebrows slightly a little surprised by my change of personality.

"Who are you, Dylan?" My body shifted so that I was facing him. My hands settled on his desk, a serious look staring at the coldest person alive.

Dylan stared at me for a second, a challenge in his gaze but then let out a chuckling sigh. He turned his chair around and looked out through the giant window. For a man that believed time was valuable, he surely wasn't abiding by his methods.

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