\\Chapter Eight\\

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Song: Piece by Piece by Kelly Clarkson.

~Because they were roses and I was just a dandelion~

\\Chapter Eight\\

The keen piercing gazes of three men weren't favoring my intense nervousness. Their stares bored into my figure as if I grew another head. The silence in the room intensified the longer we kept our mouths shut. Christopher was looking confused and stunned by my announcement, while Dylan had a small twitch in his upper lip that disappeared as soon as it formed. He seemed like he is enjoying every minute of this situation.

"You're resignation is unaccepted," my father replies monotonously and shrugs the matter off in seconds. I am about to snap back at him, but he is quicker in sealing my mouth closed.

"If it's a demission you're seeking, that will be after the project is done. I will have no one pulling out. I'm not here to please every one of you. You're all going to live together and that's final." He spares each one of us an equal share of his warning glares making sure that we understand his idea.

He wasn't allowing me to resign and forced me to live with some kind of a devil in the form of a man and my ex-boyfriend. Well, that will make a great match with me completing the group. The broken ice queen. My father surely knew how to match up people well. As well as detaching them the moment he saw fit.

Dylan growled lowly at my father, not liking his methods, and Christopher looked on the verge of exploding while I stood unaffected as if I had some kind of vaccine against my father's behavior. It had become simple to me after practicing it for years.

Listen and obey.

Without further discussion, everyone left the room one by one and headed towards their offices in rage. We all knew it is no use urging about the state of living, since my father was so stubborn and attached to his idea.

Once I reached my desk, I inhaled deeply and then took a seat. What had I gotten myself into this time? I wished my father could spare me this impossible mission. How am I supposed to act normal when Christopher is so close?

He has a fiancé.

A memory. That's what he should be.

I looked through the window as the sky kept on raining as if telling me there's no need for me to cry alone.

Winter came hard this year. Trees were begging for the wind's mercy. Animals were nowhere to be seen, and the dark clouds eclipsed the fickle light from penetrating. The streets were begging for a passer to decrease the loneliness they're feeling, getting exhausted by their emptiness. I averted my gaze to go back to my work, but an unexpected scene captured my attention before I could remove my eyes.

Down there, on the deserted streets, stood a couple laughing in the rain I recognized so quickly, trying to light their own spot to forbid darkness to close down on them. Down there stood the complete proof I had nothing left but the darkness which had become my only friend. Those echoing laughs I heard managed to scratch my soul and feed on my sadness. Standing there was the boy I dreamed of having by my side. The boy that chained me in a love story I couldn't find a happy ending for no matter how much I fought for that.

I tore my eyes from them and swallowed back the lump of sorrow forming in my throat, focusing on my work, struggling to forget.

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