Another Universe

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Maybe in another universe
I don’t have to take a dozen pills
Just to start my day
I’d sip my cup of coffee
And the world wouldn’t seem so gray

Maybe in another universe
I’d have the want to write
Instead of just lying in bed
From sunup to moonlit night
I’d be able to choose my words
Without having to let out a cry
I’d be at peace with the lord
Without wondering why, why,
Why, why, why, why, why

Maybe in another universe
I’d have the urge pray
I’d believe in God
I’d believe in the cliches
Like that I’m loved and forgiven
No matter what I do
One day I’d go to heaven
And enter in the queue

Maybe in another universe
I’d have the energy to do yoga
After, I’d go on a walk
And maybe reward myself
With a cold glass of soda

Maybe in another universe
I’d have the body I always wanted
I’d smile in mirror
Without tears in my eyes
Feeling daunted

Maybe in another universe
I’d go the whole day without crying
People would tell me I’m doing a good job
And they can see how hard I’ve been trying
I’d finally be happy
And let it flood to those around me
I’d be quite chatty
Yet I’d have someone there to ground me

Maybe in another universe
I’d be enough for people to stay
I’d have friendships and relationships
And never push anyone away

Maybe in another universe
People wouldn’t have to leave me
They’d say they truly love me
Without having to deceive me
They’d look me in the eyes
And mean everything they’d say
They’d enjoy spending time with me
Even during the day

Maybe in another universe
I’d be at peace with my family
We’d all get along
I’d come from a loving home
And regain my sanity

Maybe in another universe
I don’t have to take a dozen pills
Just to go to sleep
I’d be able to lay my head down
Without the urge to weep

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05 ⏰

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