The scent of honeysuckle hung heavy in the air, mingling with the earthy aroma of freshly turned soil. Little Haven, his eyes wide with wonder, watched as Jiro, his best friend, meticulously crafted a flower ring.
"Ate Ianah taught me last night," Jiro explained, his brow furrowed in concentration. "But it's crooked, isn't it?"
Haven, ever the diplomat, offered a reassuring smile. "It's perfect, Jiro. It's the thought that counts." He knew Jiro's heart was set on making something special, something unique, and that was all that mattered.
Later, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the garden, Haven found himself drawn to the vibrant blooms. He gathered a bouquet, each flower a testament to the beauty that surrounded them.
Back at their makeshift picnic spot, Jiro held Haven's hand, his small fingers carefully slipping the flower ring onto his best friend's ring finger. Haven's gaze met Jiro's, and a silent understanding passed between them.
"Why my ring finger?" Haven asked, his voice a gentle murmur. "It's going to fall off."
Jiro's lips curved into a mischievous grin. "It's a promise ring. When we grow up, I'll give you a real one."
Haven's heart skipped a beat. "A promise ring? What kind of promise?"
"A promise to marry you," Jiro declared, his voice filled with a certainty that surprised even him. "That way, I can protect you forever."
Haven, his eyes wide with a mixture of amusement and something deeper, couldn't help but chuckle. "But we're boys, Jiro. And our parents say we're brothers."
Jiro's gaze held firm. "I'll marry you someday. Then, our parents won't have to worry."
Haven, his hand gently cradling the delicate flower ring, smiled. "Okay. Let's get married when we grow old."

Hidden Hearts and Summer Skies (Silent Secrets of Summer #1)
Hayran KurguHaven knows he's talented, handsome, kind, and intelligent - people constantly remind him of these qualities. He's everything good, except brave. The irony isn't lost on him: while he's praised for his intellect, Haven often finds himself making th...