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Rave's POV

Walking down the school hallway, on my way to my locker, a body is hurled on me from behind.
"Watcha doing, Cutie-Pie?" Nat screams in my ear.
I shake him off, roll my eyes, and continue walking, ignoring the green haired boy.
He comes up behind me and grabs me by the waist. My heart falters and I feel a blush start to creep up my neck. I stop and clear my throat.
I respond to his action by cooly saying, "Get. The. Hell. Off. Of. Me."
"I could, or I could do this," he grabs my ass.
I elbow him in the gut, spin on my heels, and slap him.
He holds his cheek with my red handprint and smirks, "Worth it."
I speed walk away, ignoring my rapid heart beat.
Nat runs in front of me and leans on my locker, waiting for me.
"Get off my fucking locker, Nat." I try to keep my cool by hugging my books to my chest, but my left eyebrow starts twitching.
"Come on, Cutie-Pie. Just be mine," he smooth talks as he embraces me in a hug.
My stomach drops and I cringe. "I need to get to math." I push Nat off of me and open my locker to get my math textbook.
"How about, after school, I take you out to get a burger?" Nat asks as I shut my locker.
"No, thank you," I reply and glare at him, as a few pieces of my purple hair fall in my face.
"What is so bad about going out for a burger?" Nat swipes the hair from my face with his hand and I swat at it.
"Being with you." I start heading towards class and Nat trails after me.
"Please, just one burger," he begs holding his hands as if he was praying.
I stop and turn towards Nat. "Fine, one burger," I reply, finally giving in.
"Thank you," Nat says, grabbing my face. He kisses me on my lips and I bite his lip. He wraps his left hand around my waist and pulls me toward him so we are waist to waist, hips to hips and groin to groin. He moves his body so his mouth is next to my ear and I could hear the smile playing on his lips, "If you like it rough, just tell me. I'll play rough with you." Nat nips my ear with the tip of his teeth and walks away.
I stand here, shocked at what has just happened. I put my right hand to my lips and get lost in my thoughts.
Maybe I should give him a chance. He knows me, gets me. Nat cares about me. Maybe we should be together.
I shake my head to bring myself back to reality. I finish my walk to math class, unable to holdback the blush on my face.
As I stroll in, I notice a stranger standing at the front of the classroom. He is tall with white hair that is shaved in a Mohawk. He wore black jeans, a loose, gray tank top, a leather jacket, and a pair of bright, red Converse. The mysterious man was muscular and had light blue eyes. The girls of the class are drooling over the new kid and stopping as they entered to get a good look at him.
When the bell rings, our teacher, Ms. Bowers, stands up. "Class, today we have a new student." She gestures to the guy. "Will you please introduce yourself?"
The boy nods and looks at the class. "I'm Leo Mathison." His voice is deep with a rough accent. "I'm from Hungary."
That explains the accent.
"I'm seventeen years old. I hope you all will watch over me," he finishes.
The girls in the room scream things like, "I will, I'll take care of you!" and "Sit next to me and I'll take good care of you."
Their reactions makes me sick, but I have to say, he is easy on the eyes.
He sits by himself in a corner in the back on the classroom. Girls instantly huddle around him and he seems to be suffocating. I chuckle to myself as Ms. Bowers yells at the girls for their "troublesome behavior."

Kevin's POV

I look for him. His ugly hat with
the annoying two white stripes and his  gap tooth smile. I spot him heading my way.
He looks way too happy, I think to myself.
When he reaches me, I grab him by the collar of his red T shirt and slam him against the gray lockers. I get a few looks from the people around us, but they are used to me bullying the Eds.
"Meet me behind the school after school. You better come alone, or I'll kill you."
His tiny body shivers and he closes his eyes under the feel of my breathe. If only he knew that my heart just skipped a beat. My facial muscles soften and I let him go.
"Don't be late," I scream at him.
I turn and head towards class, trying to get my heart back to its normal pace.
This is it. Today, today is the day I tell him. I'll confess how I feel towards him. I'll tell him how I always think about him and how my heart skips a beat whenever I'm around him.

Edd's POV

I don't know what to think. Is he finally going to kill me? I don't want to die. Why has Kevin always hated me for anyways? Maybe it was because of all of Eddy's scams or stealing Kevin's jawbreakers? But if that is the case, why would he take it out on me most of all? Maybe because I was the brains of it all? That seems logical enough, right? But we were only kids, still only elementary schoolers. I'm. So screwed.
A loud ringing notice pulled me from my thoughts.
"Class dismissed. Study chapters 8 and 9 for homework," Mr. Bell announces.
I look around, unable to believe I missed an entire class because I was lost in thought.

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