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Double D's POV

There is a knock at the door.

"Coming!" I yell from the kitchen. I place my cup of water on the counter next to t he sink and shuffle to the door. I reposition my beanie and open the door.


"Salutations, Kevin," I say with a confused look on my face. "Can I help you with something?"

"Did you maybe," he pauses and looks at the ground, "want to go do something?"

"Uh," I look back into the house for a moment, then turn to face Kevin again. "Sure."

I grab my shoes and quickly put them on. I grab my keys and lock the door on my way out.

"Where are we going?" I ask keeping my eyes on the steps as we walk down them.

"I don't really know." He rubs the back of him neck. "Where do you want to go?"

"How about some icecream?" I suggest.

"That sounds great." The red haired boy smiles at me, making me blush a little.

We have small talk on the way to the icecream parlor a few blocks away.

"Nat went home this morning with Rave," he finishes as he opens the door.

"That's great." I smile. "Did he ever call the cops?"

"No, he said that Leo apologized and that he didn't want to ruin Leo's life over this. He is too good of a guy, I swear," Kevin grunts.

We walk to the bar and a sit in the stools.

"What can I get ya'll?" An older white haired lady asks.

I looks at Kevin, who is looking at me.

"You can get whatever. I don't care," the red head smiles at me.

"Can I get a vanilla ice cream on a cone, please?" I ask, smiling.

"Small, medium, or large?"

I look at Kevin again and he nods his head at my silent question.

"Large please." I blush a little.

Kevin laughs to himself. "I'll take a small please," he orders for himself.

"That it?" the waitress asks, looking at us.

"Yea, thanks." Kevin answers.

The waitress walks away. I spin around in the chair, bored. Kain just watches me.

"So has you dad come back home?" I ask, breaking the silence.

Kevin looks at the door a moment before saying, "No."

"Oh. Well, have you remember anything about those guys?" I ask.


"Oh, okay."

"Here ya'll are," the older waitress comes back with two cones in hand, one much larger than the other.

I smile a little at the large pile of ice cream piled on the small cone.

I start licking my icecream.

"This is soooo good," I smile, "Thank you."

Kevin is staring at me again.

"What?" I ask, blushing.

"Come here."

I lean in at Kevin's request. Kevin meets me halfway between our stools and licks the tip of my nose. I quickly lean back, away from Kevin, and wipe my nose.

"Why did you do that?" I ask loudly, drawing some attention to us.

Kevin starts chuckling. "You had icecream on your nose." I feel a wave of heat wash over my face.

"Oh." I stay quiet and eat my icecream.

When I finish, Kevin pays.

"Where do you want to go now?" he asks.

"Let's go to your house, we could watch a movie," I smile, trying to not make Kevin spend anymore more money on me.

"Okay." Kevin cracks another smile at me.

Kevin is quiet on the way home, seeming lost in thought. I decide to stay quiet as well and just enjoy his company. He looks forward, focusing on where we are going. I study his profile. His jaw is tight and his eyes are narrowed. Those same few hairs are poking out the hole in his backwards cap.

We soon arrive back at the col-de-sac and I start walking towards his house. A car was sitting in the driveway.

Must be his dad.

Kevin grabs my wrist and I turn to look at him.

"Let's just go to your house," he suggests.

"I don't have any good movies though," I whine. "Let's just go to your house." I smile at him and drag him up his porch.

"No, Eddward," he says as the doorknob clicks and the door opens.

The smell of alcohol floods my nose as Kevin's dad steps out on the porch.

"What the Hell is this?" he gestures at my hand on Kevin's arm.

I quickly left go. "Hello." I smile and hold my hands behind my back.

He ignores my greeting and pushes past me to Kevin. He grips the collar of Kevin's shirt and pulls Kevin's face close to his.

"You fucking faggot," he spits into Kevin's face. Kevin's father swings a fist and it collides with Kevin's face. My beloved falls and crashes to the ground. His father proceeds to kick and stomp on Kevin, breaking his body with every crack. Kevin stays quiet. He doesn't scream. He doesn't fight. He doesn't cry. He just takes it. Tears fall down my face as his father spits harsh words and him. At us.

I grab my cell phone and call 911. "Help, please. It's Kevin's dad. He is beating Kevim. He's going to kill him! Hurry!"

"What is your address?"

"796 Peach Circle."

"I'm sending officers now, they will be there soon."

"Thank you," I choke out between sobs.

I open up the camera on my phone and take pictures of Kevin's father beat him. I quickly put pocket my phone and run up to try and help Kevin.

"Stop!" I scream. I push the middle aged man away from Kevin.

I cover Kevin's unconcious body with my own. Hands grip my shirt and throw me out of the way. A hard boot collides into my ribs and then another crushes my right thigh. I quickly cover my face.

I hear sirens and then I black out.

It's me. Neko. So I am freakishly late. My aunt died the week after my last update and then my grandma died last week. And I had no idea what to write about. I'm sorry. I hope you enjoyed the read. Happy Thanksgiving. Neko out. 😸😸😸

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2016 ⏰

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