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Kevin's POV

Beep. Beep. Beep.
I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock. I grunt and look up at my clock.
"Shit," I mumble and hop out of bed and rush to put on my pants and a T shirt. I race to the bathroom and start to put in my contacts. I get one in and I'm about to put other in when and loud bang makes me jump. I dropped my contact down the sink drain.
I take out my contact and go back into my room. I grab my glasses off my dresser, along with my red cap.
I grab back pack and rush out the door.
I run to school and find my green haired friend getting out of his dark blue 1970 Pontiac Firebird.
"'Sup Nat," I say, adjusting my hat.
He whips around scared and his coffee spills on me.
I scream with pain and take my shirt off, knocking off my glasses with it.
"Fuck!" I yell, drawing attention to myself. I quickly pick up my glasses and turn to Nat.
"Dude, what am I supposed to do?"
"I'm sorry man, you freaked me out," he turns to his locker and reaches in. He grabs a white shirt and a green sweater. "Here. This is all I've got."
I throw on the clothes and I at how stupid I must look right now.
I start to head for class, ready for this day to end. I grumble to myself and look at the floor as I walk. A body crashes into me.
"What the hell?" I rub my head and look up at the asshole that rammed me. "Edd?"
Double D shoves me out of his way. He's slightly taller than me and it kills me to look up at his face.
"Stay the Hell out of my way, Shovelchin." He pushes me aside and walks away.
"Shovelchin? What the fuck?" I storm after Edd. "Who the hell are you? Double D would never call me that. He is too polite! What are you doing?" I scream in Edd's face.
"Get out of my way!" he shoved me into some lockers.
"Fuck you, Double Dork." I shake my head and storm off.

Edd's POV

I can't believe it worked. It actually worked.
I smile to myself and walk to class. Instead of sitting I in front of Rave, I sit in the furthest seat, in the back right corner, next to the window. I throw my bag on the floor and rest my head on my hand and look out the window, past the fields and into the woods. Behind those woods was the junk yard and in front of the junk yard was the col-de-sac.
I still can't believe Marie died last year, but I guess drugs do that to you.
I slowly turn my head to the teacher. All eyes were on me. "What?" I ask sounding carefree.
"What's the answer to question five?"
Damn. I don't even remember what class I'm in.
I glance at the board.
"I dunno," I reply simply.
The teacher gave me a confused look. "Uh, okay? Anyone else? Yes you, Matthew."
I zone out again and look back out the window.
The bells ring and I move through the day as if it was a slight breeze blowing and not a moment in my life. At lunch I sit with the other Eds and Eddy goes on about how its working and Ed just silently shoves his face.
I blow off my last two classes and head home alone.
Like always, Mom and Dad are gone, leaving only a note.
Clean the living room,
wash the dishes,
and cook dinner.
We won't be home tonight,
but we love you.
Mom and Dad.
I throw it in the trash, grab some jaw breakers, and flop onto the couch to watch TV.

Rave's POV

Ding. Dong.
I walk down the stairs at thenchime of my doorbell.
I open the door to a green haired, red faced boy.
"Hey," Nat says, all shy like.
"What do you want?" I practically growl at him.
"Are you okay? You weren't at school. Are you sick?" he mumbles quietly, sounding sincerely worried.
I sigh, kicking myself for yelling at him. "I'm okay, I just feel a little under the weather. Do you want to come in?"
Nat's face lights up. He walks in and I close the door behind him.
"Your house is nice. I love the blue walls, Cupcake," he smiles at me.
"Please don't call me that here. My mom-"
"Rave, dear, time for some soup," My mom waltz in, cutting me off. "Oh. Who is this?" she says putting the soup on the coffee table.
I sigh in defeat as Nat looks up in confidence.
"My name is Nat. I am Rave's best friend." He winks at me. "He wasn't at school so I got concerned and decided to bring him his homework and check up on him. Its a pleasure to meet you." He holds out his hand to shake my mother's.
My mom takes his hand. "I'm Rave's mom. Thank you for being so considerate and taking time to do this for my baby.* she turns to me and whispers, " I really wish he was a girl. He'd be perfect for you." She steps back and looks at Nat. "Well, since you are already here, would you mind watching him while I run to the store? I need to get him some medicine."
Nat slowly gets a sly smile on his face. "It would be my pleasure. Honestly."
My mom smiles so big, its from ear to ear and claps her hands together. "Thank you so much." She kisses our checks and grabs her purse from the couch. "Bye." She waves and walks out.
Nat got a creepy smile on his face. "I wish he was a girl. He's perfect for you," he laughs mocking my mom.
"Whatever," I grumble as he ruins the moment.
I go sit on the couch and eat my soup. Nat sits next to me and puts his head on my shoulder.
"I missed you today."
I put my head on his. I respond back, "I'm sorry," and my heart whispers "I love you too."

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