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This be your neko;). The picture up top is my beloved, Leo. Sexy, right?

Kevin's POV

I went to talk to Edd today on the way to school but he ran down the street and loses me when he turns out of the cul-de-sac.
I look for him but when I don't see him, I walk by myself the rest of the way to school.
I pass Double D's locker and he isn't there.
I look down and start ambling to class. A hard body crashes into me. I rub my head.
"What the Hell man? Watch were you're fucking go-" I look up and am met with beautiful, light blue eyes.
"Sorry," the stranger grunts, rubbing his chin.
"Whatever. You new here?" I ask, not recognizing him.
"Yeah, just got here yesterday. I'm Leo."
"Kevin. Welcome to Perch Creek High," I remark, snidely.
"Thanks," he says then walks away.

Edd's POV

I had to run from Kevin today. I just don't want to deal with his bullshit today. I skip my locker and go staright to class.
"Hey, Rave," I call out to the purple haired boy as I walk in.
He looks up at me and gives me a small wave.
I sit in front of him and turn in my seat to face him.
"Want to hear some crap?" I ask him and he looks at me in annoyance.
"What?" he replies.
"Kevin has a 'crush' on me apparently," I say using air quotation marks around the word "crush".
"Why do I care?" Rave sounds irritated.
"Rave, what happened?"
He looks up and glares at me. "Nat."
"Oh, okay," I sigh and turn around. Looking towards the teacher.

Rave's POV

I can't believe he said that to me! The words replay in my head,
I like you a lot, but you don't feel the same about me. I know you just got here last year, and I bug you all the time, and I'm sorry, but I just care so much about you.
I shake my head to try and eleviate the thoughts from my brain. I needed to focus.
After morning classes, I head to the cafeteria for lunch. What I see pisses me off.
How can he say something like that to me and then be hanging all over someone else? And him of all people?
I storm over to the lunch line

Nat's POV

In history class, a new student arrived. It was the guy Rave was talking about yesterday on our date.
Sigh. Nothing like a date with Rave to make your world complete.
I decide to talk to this new guy.
"Hey. Leo, is it?" I ask, trying to be polite. I had to look up at him because he was a few inches taller than me.
He looks down at me and gives me a small smile. "Yea," he says with a rough accent.
"Ooo, an accent? Where are you from?"
He chuckles a little a says, "Hungary."
"Then why the Hell to you move to a shit hole like Peach Creek?" I say gesturing to the cafeteria. I walk behind him and look at his ass. "And with such I nice ass," I grab it with both hands. Firm. "You know," I whisper in his ear, "there are so many creeps in this town that will want to take it." I squeeze harder.
"Really?" He turns around, removing my grip and reaches behind me. He gropes my butt and pulls me toward him. "And those 'creeps' aren't you?"
I blush and pull away. "Nope, I have a boyfriend." I look around the cafeteria for Rave. "And here comes my lovely man now," I say as Rave starts walking towards us.
"Hey, Babe." I wrap my arm around his shoulder.
He pulls away. "Don't call me that," he closes his eyes and his eyebrow starts to twitch.
"Hello, Rave," Leo says, turning towards Rave.
"Leo," Rave replies, irritated.
"What's wrong," I say, looking back and forth between them.
"Nothing," Rave says and walks away.
I start to go after him when I get pulled back.
"Now, where were we?" Leo whispers in my ear and wraps his arm around my waste.

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