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Neko here again!!! Feel free to vote and comment guys... please??? I am open to suggestions.

Nat's POV

I wake with the purple haired boy in my arms, covered by a big, red blanket. I groggily look around. I am still on his couch, but the TV is now off and the soup bowl is gone.
Maybe his mom found us asleep and cleaned up for us.
I look at Rave. He looks so sweet and innocent while he sleeps.
Rave sturs and yawns.
"Goodmorning, Cupcake." I smirk at his tired face.
He sits himself up by pushes off my chest with his hands.
"Shit," he mumbles.
"What's wrong?" I ask sarcastically, knowing it was because we fell asleep.
Rave jumps up and runs to his room; I trail after him.
"Cupcake! Where are you going?" He slams his door shut. I knock politely and quietly say, "Want me to help you change?"
The door flies open and the purple haired boy pulls me in.
"All you had to say was yes," I smirk.
"Would you shut the hell up?" Rave whisper yells at me. "My mom is in the next room!"
"Fine, whatever," I say and turn to inspect his room. I go up to his dresser and pick up an old photograph. In the picture, surrounded by a white frame, was a black haired woman and a purple haired man, and, in between them, there was a small, purple haired boy, smiling a big, gap toothed smile.
"Can I have this?" I turn and look at him as he paces the room.
"What are you-," he starts, coming towards me, "Why would you want that?"
"I like how happy and homey you all look. You guys look like a real family." I feel my eyes start to well up with tear, and I try to calm myself.
"Sure, then. I guess. He goes to his dresser and rummages through the top drawer. He comes back with another copy of the picture. "Here."
I take the picture and put it in my pocket.
"So, how are you feeling, Cupcake?" I ask, changing the subject.
"I'm fine, I think. Mom is probably going to make me stay home again though." Rave glances and a clock in his nightstand by his bed. I follow his gaze.
"Do you want me to stay with you today?" I ask, and he slightly blushes.
"You need to be at school and I have that work to make up. If you want to come by later, I'm cool with that," he says, looking at the floor.
"You're wish is my command, Cupcake." I walk up and put my hand under his chin, making him look up at me. "I'll see you later, then." I kiss him quick and start to leave before he yells at me. As I walk out his door, I swear I hear movement from the bathroom down the hall.

Edd's POV

I'm walking to school and try avoiding attention. Its going well until Kevin runs up to me still dressed like a dork.
Everyone's eyes are then on me.
"Hey, Edd," he starts.
"Its Double D," I snap at him.
"Fine, but do you want to go out to the movies Friday?" he asks and starts fidgeting with the sweater, "With me I mean."
"No," I glare at him a second, then walk off.
The blond trails after me and reaches for my shoulder. I turn around a deck him, right in the lip. I guess this caught him off guard be laude he fell on his ass. I glare once more, looking down on him. I see my reflection in his glasses and get a sly grin in my face.
"Wouldn't want to ruin that pretty face of yours, now would we?" I calmly walk away with my head down and my hands in my jacket pocket.

Rave's POV

I stand outside the school in the parking lot, waiting by my car for Nat.
He was coming to my house for me, the least I could do was get him.
The front door swings open, and students start to pour out.
When I see him, he is walking out laughing. Trailing behind him is a tall adolescence with white hair. It's Leo.
I glare for a minute but smile that Nat is coming to be with me.
He walks away without even noticing me and gets in Leo's car.
I hop in mine and rush home. I try having positive thoughts, hoping maybe he is just getting a ride to get to me sooner.
When I am home, I wait by the door, hoping he's coming. After a couple minutes, I realize he isn't and I go to be by myself in my room. I sit and stare out the window through the curtains and wait for him to come home.

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