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Bryan POV

Brooklyn was hot. I love the way her curly brown hair flows down her back. She's smart and she has a great body.

Brooooklynn... Turn around.

Yes I do have powers that allow me to send mind messages and much more. I've been living for over a thousand years what do you expect?

The bell rang signaling that class was over. I brushed my hair away from my face and made my way down the hall.

A few kids said hey and tried to stop and talk but I just kept walking. I wasn't trying to be rude, I just didn't feel like talking.

I heard could hear a few rumors being spread. Like Chris is trying to get in Tati's pants or there's an end of the year party on Friday for the seniors.
Not really stuff I cared about. But I know I was definetly gonna try to get into that party. It's easier to feed off of drunk people then sober people.

Now I know what your thinking. What kind of dumbass transfers to a new school when there's only a week left? And what kind of dumbass school would let the dumbass in? The answer to your question is a school that's ran by humans.

But I finished all my tests and they just want me to get a feel of the school before next year. So they chose a senior and I bad mickle have to follow him around all day. So technically I'm not a student, I'm a shadow.

Yeah so this chapter is basically just a filler. I didn't know what I was supposed to write for this. Oh well. Just FYI it's Thursday.

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