Chapter 28 - Party

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Wednesday's POV

"This is pure torture…" I muttered, sinking into the couch next to Yoko, who was clearly enjoying the party far more than I was. She danced with reckless abandon, her energy seemingly endless, while Eugene and Xavier attempted to keep up with her wild moves. Meanwhile, I felt like my ears might start bleeding from the music blaring around us.

"Come on, Wednesday! Have a little fun!" Yoko called out, twirling around and nearly knocking over a table as she danced, her laughter infectious. But I remained unimpressed.

"Fun isn’t really my forte." I replied in a monotone voice, arms crossed as I slouched deeper into the couch, hoping to blend in with the shadows.

Yoko wasn’t giving up that easily. "Well, at least try this!" she said, thrusting a drink into my hand, her mischievous grin growing wider.

I eyed the drink suspiciously. "What is this?"

"Just a little whiskey," Yoko replied with a smirk, her eyes twinkling as if she were challenging me.

Reluctantly, I took a sip. The cold, minty liquid slid down my throat, leaving a strange, unfamiliar sensation. I raised an eyebrow, my eyes widening slightly. This was definitely not like the cheap beer I had begrudgingly sipped during my last "celebration".

Yoko leaned in, waiting eagerly. "Well? What do you think?"

I shrugged nonchalantly and, to her surprise, downed the rest of the whiskey in one go.

"Woah, Addams! Who knew you had it in you?" Yoko laughed, genuinely impressed. "Now come on, let’s get wasted!" she shouted, jumping back into her chaotic dancing, her limbs flailing like a happy octopus.

I watched her for a moment, completely bewildered by her enthusiasm. "I’d rather not," I muttered under my breath, though a slight smile tugged at the corner of my lips.


Enid's POV

"I would like to propose a toast, to my new dear friend, Enid," Bianca announced with a radiant smile, raising her glass of champagne.

Divina and I exchanged glances, both grinning as we lifted our glasses to meet Bianca’s in a soft, celebratory clink. The bubbles fizzed lightly against my lips as we drank together.

After a moment of comfortable silence, I leaned forward, my voice a little softer. "You think Wednesday’s gonna be okay?"

Divina snorted. "Oh, I bet she’s fighting the urge to kill Yoko right about now. I know how that girl throws a party."

I laughed, swirling the champagne in my glass. "Yeah, we’ll probably come home to Yoko missing a limb or two."

Bianca chuckled, setting her glass down. "Missing your fiancée already, Enid?" she teased, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

"Yeah... maybe a little," I admitted, feeling my cheeks warm. "But I’m having a blast with you guys. It’s a nice change of pace."

"You better be!" Bianca said with a playful smirk. "Because once tonight’s over, you won’t hear from me for a while. I’ll be buried in decorations and wedding plans, making sure everything is perfect for your big day."

My heart swelled with appreciation. "Thank you so much, Bianca. Really, I don’t know how I’d survive all this wedding planning without you."

She waved me off, though her expression softened with warmth. "Hey, it’s what friends are for. Besides, you and Wednesday deserve the best, and I’m determined to deliver."

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