Chapter 2

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Bree's POV

I sat up in a tree, in the middle of the Gravity Falls forest, regretting my decision to ever sneak out of the Dream Scape. I wore a long yellow coat that had brickwork pattern at the bottom. My skirt was about knee high and slick black like my gloves and triangular eye-patch. My black boots were smooth and sliming. Around my neck I wore a bow-tie, and I also wore a tall, black top-hat. Now that I was here, Bill was making me stay here, bored out of my mind, and letting me see what it was like for him when he was young and stupid. My dad, or Bill, warned me many times that reality was continuously being bent and was too confusing for me to be able to handle. I was older now, but, I guess as my dad said: 'You are too young to protect yourself kid.'

Bill told me I mustn't interfere with the humans reality world, because it could destroy his plans and potentially destroy the wheel. The wheel contained various symbols that represented important people in Gravity Falls. That's all my dad ever told me. He never told me who they were, why they were important, what it meant. Nothing. I was sitting in the blank with no way to reach information.

I could always tell my dad was fearful for me to be caught up here since I wasn't old enough to be transparent in reality. I was still vulnerable. I wasn't able to go back to the Dream Scape even if Bill or I wanted too. Again, because I wasn't old enough. I sure hated this life. So now my punishment was to sit in this tree and let my dad protect me from these horrible humans.

Bill told me how their flesh was soft and if cut, they would bleed, and they felt pain. I was always fascinated by pain. I always wondered what it felt like or what it even looked like. I wanted to ask the humans if they could show me pain, but, it was to dangerous for me to talk to humans. My dad also told me that we had similarities on appearance with humans, but not feelings. Our skin wasn't soft and vulnerable, it was almost rubbery and if something passed through our skin, we didn't feel the pain, we just healed.

My dad told me how humans had two eyes and they could see from both so you could see more at a time. He said that when humans feel this emotion called sad they do this thing called crying. Water would run from their eyes. My dad mentioned one time about an emotion called love, but he never talked about. Ha, what would a dream demon know about this love thing anyway.

Anyways, I sat on the branch, smoldering leaves one by one and letting the flames dance on my finger tips when I heard voices. Not the echoed voices of demons. Human voices. I shot right up and extinguished the flames. I was obsessed with humans. I always asked dad about them, always tried to picture them, I tried to feel pain, but that never worked. I saw a little ways off two short figures sitting on a log.

I smiled, showing my slightly pointed teeth. I recalled my dad saying that humans also had strange eyes as well. That they looked different from a demon's. I shrugged off all the differences between humans and dream demons and floated to the ground. I stalked closer and could make out more detail as I hid behind a bush.

One was a boy, like dad had described, he was wearing a navy blue vest, a red t-shirt, gray shorts and had a blue and white hat with a pine-tree on it. He had messy brown hair that peeped out under his hat and the boy was also holding a book that had a six fingered golden hand with a number 3 on the cover. Next to the boy was a girl similar to him with long brown hair like the boy's. She wore a pink sweater with a shooting star on it and a matching skirt and head band. In her mouth, silver lines ran through them, making her teeth look uncomfortable.

I inched closer and looked at them even more careful. They were talking to eachother about a Gruncle Stan. I didn't know what a Gruncle Stan was, but I didn't think I would like it by the way the two human children described it.

The boy spoke. "I can't take it anymore Mabel...he's so annoying and he doesn't believe anything I say..."

The girl looked at the boy with sympathy. "I know Dipper, but, don't you think it's best Gruncle Stan doesn't know about your journal? Don't you think he'd take it away so you wouldn't think like that anymore?"

The boy sighed deeply. "I guess. I just wished he understood me."

So the Gruncle Stan is a human? I thought to myself.

"Mabel?" The boy asked.

The girl looked at him in response.

I assumed the girl's name was Mabel.

"Yeah Dipper?"

"Do you think Stan will ever believe me? Do you think he'll ever find out about the journals?" The boy asked.

"I don't know Dipper...I don't want to think about it. It seems weird..." Mabel said slightly reluctant.

Dipper...that's the boy's name... I thought triumphantly.

Mabel scratched her arm. "Can we talk about something else? I'm kind of tired of Gruncle Stan."

Dipper laughed. It was a weird laugh, a laugh I had never heard before. It sounded so alien to me.

"Sure, I was wondering how it was going with Mermando." Dipper said in a strange joking tone.

"Yeah, yeah. Like you actually care." There was a hint of harshness in Mabel's voice. I was familiar with that emotion. Anger. "But, incase you are, it's going fine. We talk back and forth through bottles. It's fine."

There was silence and a weird feeling hung in the air. Awkwardness. I had never really felt awkwardness before, so it was weird to feel it coming off of them. They had nothing left to say. Why was that awkward?

Dipper stood up from the log and stretched. "Do you think we can sneak back in? It's still too humid in the forest."

Mabel wiped her forehead. "Yeah, I'm in if you're in." The two humans bumped their knuckles together in a sort of strange gesture and they took off running. I wanted to follow them so bad, but I knew I couldn't . Maybe I could just use those two reality livers to find out all the human's secrets and what it's like to be human. I would find them tomorrow, probably, and I'd interrogate them. The rest of the day I was going to try to practice acting 'normal' and as human and as nice as possible so they'd answer my questions.

All of them.

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