Bree's POV
I felt horrible and wretched for my actions. Humans weren't meant to converse with my kind. I need a break. A little break to clear my head.
"I-I'll be right back..." I flew out their window and heard Dipper calling me back, but I ignored him. I floated down to the ground and started to walk in a random directions, I think towards Greasy's Diner. I was floating around for about five minutes, regretting my actions. I couldn't believe I tried to hurt Mabel. It stung.
"Bree?" Said a familiar voice.
I looked up wildly and saw Jace!
I dropped like a stone on the ground. I had forgotten my glasses! "J-Jace! What are you doing here?" I asked baffled.
"I was going on a walk, my house isn't far from here." He pointed into the forest. "You look depressed, what's wrong?"
I wasn't sad, I was mad. I wasn't able to feel the emotion sad, but I went along with it. I lowered my eyes so he wouldn't look at them and notice. "I almost hurt my best friend...I didn't mean to, but she got scared and I felt bad so...I just needed to breath." I sighed and stuffed my hands into the pockets.
Jace walked up to me and grabbed my arm. I almost flinched, but I needed a friend who didn't look at me as a Dream Demon, but a ordinary, regular human. Jace put his hand on my chin and raised my head. My blind eye was revealed and also my other. I expected him to flinch or scream or call me 'monster' like Dipper, but he didn't seem to notice. He stared, but not with fear. Something else.
"What is it?" I asked, though I knew.
"Your eyes." He said.
I flinched and looked away. "I know. I'm a freak."
Jace grabbed my arm and I saw his gaze was horrified. "Your not a freak!" He said, almost angrily.
"You really think that?" I asked dubious.
"Of course." He said. "When I was younger I was teased and bullied for being different." He said sadly.
I raised my face to him. He wasn't the type of person I thought would be teased. "Really? Why?"
Jace sighed and rolled up his sleeve, revealing the rest of his arm. Darker skin color wrapped around like stripes all the way up his arm and stopped just below his collar. "Birth marks...weird ones. They teased me about being an alien, a freak." He lowered his gaze. "It was horrible. I would never think someone like you was a freak."
I smiled. "R-really?!" I smiled, forgetting about my teeth.
Jace laughed. "Really." He looked over my shoulder then back to me. "You want me to take you back? You cant stay away forever."
I gave in. Jace made me feel better. He made me feel normal. "Sure." He walked back to the Mystery Shack. Jace was like me. He was the person I needed and the person I was able to talk to. That was a real friend.
Jace stopped at the front of the Mystery Shack. "You live here?" He asked.
"Uh, yeah."
He smiled. "I'll come tomorrow to see you."
"Oh and Bree," he said before he left, "your eyes are beautiful." and he jogged off.
I brought a hand up to my eye. Beautiful. That word struck something. Something I never felt. A human feeling. My heart.

The Demon's Daughter (Gravity Falls Fanfic)
Fanfiction(Completed) Bill Cipher has been hiding a secret for many years and it starts to unbury. He has a daughter. Bree Cipher is the daughter of Bill and mischief is leading her towards the humans, towards the Pine's twins. Bill thinks the twins are too d...