How the hell does this book have fifty thousand reads?! I am genuinely bewildered right now and I'm just shocked! Thank you guys all so so so much for letting this book reach 50k, because that's absolutely astonishing to me. I would like to do a little "whoop whoop" celebration thing but I'm having trouble thinking of a way to celebrate for reads haha
I'm glad you guys all like the book so much (eventhoughIbarelywriteonWattPaddanymorewhoops)
I'm trying to think of a little present for you all since you've helped get me up on this reading pedestal. I would say a sequel but I'd never ever actually get to writing it and/or finish it soooo I could deliver you all some... Things.. YeahNow Canon After Event
• At the end of the book, it finished off with Bree turning to Carson, only to find a gun pointed to her head. The last line being "and he pulled the trigger" left it with a very dark conclusion. The thing is...this does have an open wall to it. Guys.
I never said she died.
Now listen listen, before any of you go "oh, well, I already guessed that and—" No. SHSH. Lemme tell you what would have happened if I did write a sequel.
I always think of possible sequel plots, even if I weren't to write them, and this was the main one that came to mind.• When Carson fired off the gun, Bree had stopped him, angling the gun away from herself just as she acted. I figured that her demonic self takes over a little bit (since being threatened and almost killed) and tries to murder him. Blah blah, whole really disturbing choking scene before she stops because she realizes she's acting like her father and let's him go. She now doesn't know what to do since she's not going to be staying Carson, obviously. Alternative motive? She decides to try and find Dipper and Mabel. Her mind is a little scrambled since that incident, sometimes snapping into insanity before she can get a hold of herself and calm down. After all, she is aging and is a demon before she was a human. She ends up finding the twins and they are first reluctant to accept her but they eventually forgive her once she explains and they get along. A while of Dipper hiding her and cute stuff with them and all that shiz before he introduces her to the family. After a lot of talking (about a week in the book's time) the parents say that they'll adopt her.
Yes, Bree is happy to have a family, but Dipper is horrified since she's going to be his sister. Bree is dealing with her decaying human mindscape and Dipper is dealing with the fact that he's going to be in love with his adopted sister. There's a lot of controversy that goes on between them since Dipper is panicking and Bree is unstable. Dipper finally tells her what is going to happen when she's fully adopted, legal documents and all, and Bree is traumatized. She leaves the house to think and practically looses it. She's so mad about this happening and begins talking to herself and rages. A boy walking down the street at night sees her and asks if she's ok and she lashes out at him and (stuff happens) and she flipping murders the dude. She is at first content with that but as she's walking back she realizes her actions and breaks down. She cleans herself up and doesn't tell Dipper what happened. It appears on the news the next day and Bree starts crying so Dipper asks her what's wrong and she admits to him that she killed him. Dipper is pretty friggen scared and horrified at this and almost leaves her, but he stays and comforts her. A while goes on with her fighting her demonic side and she is about to be adopted, Bree tells the parents she doesn't want to make it official. They are shocked but she says that she doesn't want to be apart of their family, being friends with them is fine enough. As much as it broke her heart to not be with them, she wanted to be with Dipper. Sometime passes by with filler chapters and yadah yadah and Bree asks Dipper is he's ok with her being mildly crazy since she's a demon. Dipper says he's totally fine with it and as long as he loves her, it would be alright.
Bree later on gets some anger management pills and metal stabilization pills so she can get along nicely and attends school with Dipper.And there you have it.
Merry Freaking Christmas you got your happy ending!
But yup, that's the canon continuation of Demon's Daughter and I hope you're at least mildly satisfied haha. Byyyyyyeeee

The Demon's Daughter (Gravity Falls Fanfic)
Fanfiction(Completed) Bill Cipher has been hiding a secret for many years and it starts to unbury. He has a daughter. Bree Cipher is the daughter of Bill and mischief is leading her towards the humans, towards the Pine's twins. Bill thinks the twins are too d...