Bree's POV
I looked around the room and saw Mabel and Dipper were both awake with and looked shocked. The sun was just beginning to rise. I drew a hand across my forehead that was drenched with sweat. I unzipped the sleeping bag, because I was extremely hot.
"What happened?" I asked both of them.
"Bill came into my dream." Mabel breathed.
"Me too." Dipper said wide eyed.
"Me three..." I whispered. I looked down shamefully. "It's because of me...isn't it?"
Dipper and Mabel both exchanged a glance. "Yeah..." They answered in unison.
"Guys, I forgot about him invading dreams...I'm sorry...what'd he say to you guys?" I asked as I sat up properly.
"He tried to make me give you back and tried to convince me to join his side." Mabel shuttered.
Dipper hesitated before speaking. "He tried to convince me to give you back too..." He looked away.
"Same...he wanted me to come back." I sighed. I drew a hand over my hair. "I'm sorry for causing so much trouble."
Dipper got off his bed and crawled down beside me. "It's ok, he can't hurt us Bree." Doubt was hidden behind his eyes.
"Sure..." I said quietly.
Mabel crawled down on the other side of me. "Hey, don't worry, I told Bill we'll protect you. And we will. Let's just have a normal day." Mabel said with a slightly forced smile.
I let out a puff of air and stood up. "We have to be careful though, I don't know what my dad can do to you when you are dreaming."
"Do you wanna shake this off in the forest? Fresh air would do us good." Dipper suggested.
I smiled and thought of his secret notes about me. "I'd love too."
Dipper's POV
We all ran out to the forest happily. Bree was looking at me weird when we woke up. Like she had a secret that she was keeping from me. We ended up going to a little stream down in the forest and we sat on the bank.
"You guys aren't mad I caused the nightmares, are you?" Bree asked once we sat down.
"You didn't cause them Bree, Bill did." I assured her.
"But he only did it, because of me." Bree stared at the water glumly.
"We aren't mad at you at all!" Mabel exclaimed as she flung a pebble down into the water.
Bree gave a tiny smile. "Good...I just wish I could out run this Dream Demon fate." Her voice was tired.
"Your fate is more human than most, Bree." I said as I gave her a little nudge with my elbow.
Bree chuckled. "Maybe." She looked even more distant. "Bill was telling me how Jace might still be out there, and that he might try to kill me again cause I can't-" She broke off and her eyes were shining with tears, but she blinked them away. "You know." She finished. "That...that got me worried."
I put my hand on her shoulder. "We are going to protect you Bree, stop worrying. That's one of the worst human qualities you and I have."
Bree laughed. "I guess so." She looked up at me and I tried not to blush.
Mabel threw another rock in the stream. "What are we going to do when summer's over?" She asked.
I tensed up when I thought about what Bill had said. "It doesn't matter...she could come with us or something, but it's not important right now." I said hurriedly.
Mabel looked at me with surprise. "I know it's not important, but I'm pretty sure it's important to Bree, Dipper." Her tone was flat.
I looked over at Bree and I saw her move her eyes farther away from me. It was important to her. "Well, she's definitely not going to stay here in Gravity Falls with Bill. She can come back to California with us!" I smiled, but on the inside I was dreading to have Bree as a sister.
Mabel looked even more surprised. "Where would she stay? In an orphanage?"
I knew Bree didn't know what an orphanage was, but she looked a little shocked at the mention of a different place. "No. With us." I repeated sternly.
Mabel's eyes were still wide as she shook her head and stared back at the water. "What do you think Bree?" she asked.
"I don't would I go with you guys? Your parents...they wouldn't except a random person to come live with them." Her voice was sad.
"Well, they could...adopt you." I suggested my own idea reluctantly.
Bree raised her head to meet my eyes again. "Adopt? What is that?" she asked.
"It means, another people's parents would take you in as their child. You'd be their adopted daughter." I explained.
Bree looked shocked. "Humans- I mean -we can do that?" Bree asked in wonder.
"Yeah, people do it all the time." Mabel spoke up, but her gaze was questioning.
"So I would be able to stay with you guys forever?!" She exclaimed happily.
"Yeah!" I smiled. "Our parents would understand that you were only comfortable with us and if you behaved well and make a good first impression, they'd surely love to have you stay."
Bree smiled brightly. "I definitely want to do that!" She seemed so elated.
If only she knew that'd she be my sister...

The Demon's Daughter (Gravity Falls Fanfic)
Fanfiction(Completed) Bill Cipher has been hiding a secret for many years and it starts to unbury. He has a daughter. Bree Cipher is the daughter of Bill and mischief is leading her towards the humans, towards the Pine's twins. Bill thinks the twins are too d...