Carson's POV
I closed my eyes and willed myself to sleep. I couldn't believe she wanted to stay with the twins, after all I had done, after all of my searching. She looked at me and saw her past, that was what she had said. Is that what she really saw of me, a bad memory? Should I have even come to her today? I opened my eyes again and stared into the dark. What was I going to do now? I was so sure she'd come and live with me and, now, what? I was going to California? I snuck a glance over my shoulder at Bree who was sleeping peacefully now. I sighed and closed my eyes and finally fell asleep.
Dipper's POV
I kept hearing voices in the night as I slept. It was freaking me out, so finally I sat up in bed and looked around. There was Mabel, sleeping in bed, Bree, I guess who had come back from training and- I choked back a gasp as I saw Carson at the edge of Mabel's bed. Why was he here?! I drew the covers back and lightly sat my feet on the ground and tip-toed around Bree so I didn't wake her. I looked closer. Yup. Definitely Carson. I growled silently and tapped his shoulder roughly.
His hand suddenly flashed out and grabbed my arm and he threw me to the ground. I gasped out loud, but tried to keep quiet. His eyes were open now and they seemed to be a glowing neon green as he stared at me. He suddenly flinched away and let go of my arm in shock.
"Don't do that!" He hissed quietly.
I ignored him and stood up sorely. "Why are you here? In my house?" I asked tersely. "Get out!" I was getting annoyed at having to keep my voice low.
"No! I'm stay with Bree...until she leaves." He had hesitated before he said the last part.
"No, you can come and train her and then go back home." I spat.
"My home is too far Dipper." He spat back.
I had no idea why, but him saying my name surprised me and sent shivers down my spine. "So? Go sleep in the forest or something."
His gaze grew hard and angry. "Just shut up and go to bed." He grabbed me like I was a pillow and tossed me all the way over to my bed. I landed with a thud and slammed into the wall. Demon strength... I thought. I rubbed my shoulder and glared at him, infuriated.
"Fine. But don't think we're gonna be house maids for you. You gotta find food for yourself somewhere else. Far. Far. Away." I growled angrily and I threw the blankets on stiffly.
I heard Carson give a heavy sigh then plop down onto the ground.
Good. I thought and forced myself to not get up and strangle him again.
Bree's POV
I woke tiredly the next morning. I hadn't slept well last night, my dreams chaotic and full of fear. I kept seeing Jace and him dissolving in the fire. And Carson, the way he had looked at me when we were alone in the forest. My bones were achy and my eyes drooped down sleepily. Dipper was already awake when I woke and he seemed to be very grumpy today.
"Is something wrong?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes.
"Huh? Oh, nothing's wrong." He said distractedly.
I rolled my eyes. Sure... I got up and stretched and looked over to Mabel's bed and saw her only just stirring. Then my eyes traveled down to Carson who wasn't there. I stiffened up. Where did he go? I looked around wildly. He just vanished. I looked out the window and around the room.
"If you're looking for Carson, he's not here right now." Dipper said in a surprisingly cold tone.
"Oh?" I said confused. "What with you and Carson?" I asked.
"Nothing." He replied almost too quickly.
I narrowed my eyes at him. "Ok..." I said unconvinced.
Mabel now sat up in her bed and yawned a big yawn. "You guys are up early..." She said breathlessly.
"Yeah, well, I smell pancakes." Dipper said. His bad mood was gone, and I grew confused, thinking I had just imagined it. I took a deep breath. Pancakes indeed. I smiled and hopped up.
"I get first round!" I called as I raced to the door and down the steps and I could hear Mabel and Dipper thumping behind me and yelling in protest. I leapt down the last five steps and twirled into the kitchen. "Ok Stan I want-" I broke off in terror and Mabel and Dipper crashed into me and knocked me to the ground. Dipper got up first.
"Why did-" He paused as he stared at the person cooking pancakes.
Carson sat by the stove smugly as he loaded pancakes onto plates and dished them out.
"Well, well, well. Are you all here for me expertise?" He asked.
Dipper's face flamed up to a bright angry red. Mabel got up and smiled in wonder. "Wow! Real pancakes!"
"You've never had real pancakes before?" He questioned as he set the syrup down.
"No, just Stan-Cakes." She said and I giggled.
Dipper remained utterly silent. Ok, so I guess I didn't imagine he bad mood. "What are you still doing here?" He finally managed to get out.
"Cooking. I used to be human you know? I can cook and do human stuff just like you." He said.
"But you're only, like, thirteen or something." Mabel said confused.
"Uh, actually, no. In the Dream Scape time flows differently. I could be either sixteen or twenty-two. Who knows?" Carson set the butter down and flopped down on the chairs.
I sat down next to him with out hesitation. I mean, I was hungry and wanted pancakes, what can you say? I poured practically a gallon of syrup and began to cut it. Mabel sat across from me and grabbed the syrup. Only Dipper remained standing.
"Dipper, come on, sit down and eat." I instructed him, but he only glared at me. "Come on!" I growled.
Dipper gave in reluctantly and sat on the chair across from Carson. He didn't take his angry gaze off of him as he spread the butter on and poured on the syrup. Carson didn't seem to mind, but I swear I could see the corner of his mouth twitching upward.
Carson finished eating first, like he hadn't eaten in decades and wiped his mouth. "Do you want to go training after you're finished?" He asked.
I paused with a bite on my fork, lifted to my mouth, and set it down. "Oh, um. You mean actually train?"
His cheeks flushed. "Yes." And then it was gone.
I nodded slowly. "Uh, sure..." I finished up my pancake and let Carson lead me out. "Be back soon!" I called out. Mabel waved good bye, but all I got from Dipper was a glare.

The Demon's Daughter (Gravity Falls Fanfic)
Fanfiction(Completed) Bill Cipher has been hiding a secret for many years and it starts to unbury. He has a daughter. Bree Cipher is the daughter of Bill and mischief is leading her towards the humans, towards the Pine's twins. Bill thinks the twins are too d...