Chapter 4

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Dipper's POV

Mabel and I raced back, our hearts in the pits of our stomachs. Bree freaked me out. She could be lying. She could be working with Bill to try to trick us and kill us! Mabel and I ran up to the attic and slammed the door. I felt like there were eyes everywhere, watching us. Mabel sat down on her bed and appeared to be thinking.

I sat on my bed and pulled out the journal. I opened it to the page that displayed Bill. I stared at it and read it over and over again. There was nothing good about him, nothing about offspring. Nothing. Was it impossible for a Dream Demon to have children, or did the author just never knew about this occurrence. I looked at all the notes on Bill. Could I trust Bree? I don't know...she seemed pretty innocent, but usually innocent people don't ask what pain feels like and cuts themselves with rocks.

I flopped down on my back and thought. Should I go tomorrow? The image of Bree flaming up in rage, like Bill had, flashed in my mind. Maybe I should. She got pissed when I said her...her father did that stuff. She said we were lying. Maybe we shouldn't 'lie' again. I looked up at Mabel and she was braiding her hair absently.

"Mabel, should we go back tomorrow?"

Mabel jolted. "Of course! I don't want her burning the house down with her anger-fire!"

I leaned back up and tucked the journal back in my jacket. "Well...what if she's helping Bill?" I asked.

Mabel shook her head. "She was not acting. I could tell. She was genuinely interested in, um, humans."

I nodded slowly. "So, we are going back into the forest to teach a Dream Demon what pain feels like for the first time?"

Mabel nodded. "Yeah. I guess so." She undid her braid. "She seemed...nice. I mean, if she didn't burst into flames. But, that's understandable...for a Dream Demon."

I sighed. "If we die...I'm holding someone responsible and it's not going to be me."

Mabel laughed. "Let's just hope she doesn't want us to meet her father. I don't think I could stand there with out shredding him...he's scary."

"Yeah." I looked out side at the sun that was almost reaching the nine o'clock point in the sky. "You want to go down stairs?" I asked.

"Yeah, let's not tell anyone about this." Mabel said as she stood up.

"Pft, why would I?" I stood up and we went down stairs, tomorrow waiting like a death bed for us.

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