Bree's POV
The next morning I waved my dad goodbye as he traveled back to the lake. As soon as he wasn't more than a speck in the sky, I zipped off the branch and to the log I had met Dipper and Mabel at. I floated around the log impatiently. I made the pen and notebook appear in my hands and clicked the pen nervously. I lay against the log and held the pen in my mouth and moved it in my lips as I waited for them.
Oh gees, I have so many questions. A billion questions! I could ask them everyone of them! I would get answers! Finally! I met the humans! They can show me pain! I've always wanted to feel pain, it is so amazingly sounding!
The undergrowth rustled suddenly and I shot up and the pen snapped in half in my mouth, because I clenched down on it so hard. I dropped the broken pen on the ground and spluttered as the ink dripped into my mouth. Dipper and Mabel emerged from the bushes to see my spitting out pen ink and wiping it off on my sleeve, staining it vivid blue.
I looked up, feeling the slightest rarest twinge of embarrassment. I made another pen appear and sat on the log. Mabel laughed at me.
"You're just like Dipper." She laughed.
I saw Dipper flinch at her comparing him to me. I frowned at that. They sat down on the log and they stared at me again, obviously still shocked to be willingly speaking to a Dream Demon.
I sat the pen to the notebook. "Ok, please, please describe pain. I guess that's weird for you guys or something, but just, tell me!" I just felt like running around and screaming in utter excitement.
Mabel tensed up and reluctantly spoke. "Uh...well, it is a sort of stinging on your body that doesn't feel good. It hurts or makes you cringe or cry."
"Cry?" I echoed.
Mabel looked at Dipper then back to me. "You don't...cry?"
Mabel sighed. "Ok...well it's something you can also do to show pain." I was quickly writing everything down on the notebook.
"Could you show me?" I asked.
Mabel went still and Dipper stood up in front of me. "Um, Bree, since pain doesn't feel good, uh, we don't like to feel pain. We prefer to avoid it."
I gasped in surprise. "Seriously? It sounds so fascinating!"
Dipper looked at the ground. "You're just like Bill."
I flinched. "Why do you say it like that?"
He looked up at me, hostility in his eyes. "Because he possessed my body and kept throwing myself in harms way at any chance he got."
I looked away from his eyes for a moment. "He-he did?" I asked warily.
"Yes...he tried, he tried to destroy us Bree. I'm telling you the truth."
I blinked in disbelief. "Oh."
Mabel and Dipper sighed in unison. "Well," Mabel said, "what else you want to know?"
All those questions I had burning in my mind seemed to dissolve. My dad had lied to me.
'Why can't I see humans?' I had said.
'Because. They are dangerous!'
'You've talked to them and-'
'No! I've never been near or talked to a human.'
'Oh,' I had said guiltily, 'sorry.'
I clenched my fists. "My dad lied...he said he had never been near one."
Dipper scoffed. "Well, he's definitely been near one all right."
I felt a weird feeling. Not anger. Not happiness. Not that awkwardness. What was this? I stood up confused and felt myself. What was this feeling?! I screamed suddenly.
"What?! What is it?" Dipper asked shocked.
I looked around wildly. The feeling was still there and it grew and grew. I turned to them. "What's happening? What's this feeling?!"
"What feeling?" Mabel asked.
"This-this feeling. It feeling like anger, but it's not, it feels like being betrayed, but it's not-" I began to panic.
Mabel's mouth hung open slightly. "I think, I think that you're sad."
I whipped around and stared at them. "S-sad? What? But that's impossible. I can't feel the sad!" I put my hands to my face and my face was wet. I drew my hands back and they were tinted with a sheen of gold. "No. No. How am I cut?" I asked.
Dipper looked bewildered. "You are crying. That's impossible."
I looked at them carefully. "What did you do to me? This isn't a good feeling!"
"Of course it's not a good feeling. It's the worst feeling. We didn't do anything, you listening to us tell you that Bill lied did this. Dream Demon's never find out one another lied to each other. Ever." Dipper explained.
I sat back down on the log. "He lied to me! I never want to see him again!" I screamed with the comfortingly familiar anger.
Dipper sighed. I felt his sympathy. Sympathy. He cared for me. Thank goodness. They finally don't look at me like I'm a murderer. "Hey, it's gonna be ok. But, how are you going to avoid him. He's your dad."
I shot my head up as an I dead popped up. "I can hide with you!" I exclaimed.
"What?!" Dipper and Mabel shouted in unison.
"Yes! Please! I'm begging you! I'll hide well!" I pleaded.
"No! No way!" Dipper said firmly.
I stood up, towering over him. "Then I'll just follow you whether you like it or not."
Dipper was about to speak, but Mabel intervened. "Hey, Dip, don't upset her." She looked up at me. "Obviously you aren't going to be leaving so we just have to make you look human and pretend to be friends with us."
I nodded happily. "That's perfect."

The Demon's Daughter (Gravity Falls Fanfic)
Fanfiction(Completed) Bill Cipher has been hiding a secret for many years and it starts to unbury. He has a daughter. Bree Cipher is the daughter of Bill and mischief is leading her towards the humans, towards the Pine's twins. Bill thinks the twins are too d...