Chapter 2

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Harry's POV

I watched as Rachel sobbed, rocking herself back and forth. It'd been an hour since the incident had happened. And she had been sitting in the same spot since I'd tackled her. I peered at her through the kitchen, she was completely oblivious to me standing there. I inched closer to her, but she just looked straight ahead, tears running down her face. Her makeup runny and ruined.

The gun was locked away some place safe that she had no clue about. So at least that worry was over. I slowly reached out to touch Rachel's shoulder, and as soon as my finger tip made contact with her soft tan skin, she jerked up and looked at me. She looked liked she hated me, she looked like she wished nothing but pain on me. But I was used to people treating me like that, so it had no effect on me.

"You did this to me." she mutters as she gets to her feet. She began walking up the stairs, and I followed her.

"I had no clue you would go that far! I mean who would of known that?" I ask her my voice booming. Rachel turned around to face me. Her blue eyes which once were full of life, were now dull and pained; looked at me.

"Really Harry? So if you were being held against your will by some perverted freak, you wouldn't be suicidal?" Rachel asks. She takes a step towards me, her body so tense and stiff. "Do you know how many times I wanted to just kill myself but I thought maybe you'd be a bit nicer to me, so I didn't do it. I got so close to it, but stopped because I had a small, sliver of hope that you weren't just the arrogant ass you appeared to be. But I was wrong." Rachel turned away from me, making me furious. I always had to have the last word, it was just a pet peeve of mine.

"If I was who you claim me to be, would I have stopped you from pulling the trigger? Would I have tackled you to the ground, saving your life!" I yell the question so it sounds like a demand. I watched as she looked like she may turn around, but she only exhaled deeply, and clomped up the stairs. She acted like every movement required so much effort and strength. She acted as if she had neither one.

I saw her vanish up the stairs and heard the door close. It wasn't like usual, when she slammed it. It was just a tired little click. Who knew the way a door closed to tell you how a person felt? I thought about going up there, and apologizing. But why should I? She was my property? And it wasn't like anyone would of done that for me. No one had. I guess it was part of my story. The same way this was just a chapter in Rachel's.


My lads came over that night for a couple drinks, Rachel hadn't left her room since our argument. We were playing a game of poker, betting a few pounds here and there. I saw as Niall slammed his cards on the table, a royal flush. I sighed as Niall thrust his fist in the air in victory. We all shook our heads, pushing our wagers towards him. But it was that moment when I noticed my good pal Liam eyeing the staircase as if he were anticipating something.

"Liam, are you okay?" I asked. Liam looked up and nodded shrugging.

"Yeah, fine." he says in his usual husky, cold voice. He passes the pounds he wagered over to Niall who was grinning cheekily.

"Alright, how about another game, lads? Unless you guys have no more money left because it's all with me." Niall stretched his arms and cracks his knuckles.

"Harry," Liam begins. We all turned to face him. "I said Harry, not everyone sitting around the table." Liam barks. Sometimes Liam scared even me. Everyone looked down at their cards trying to act occupied. Niall just snickered and listened in on us.

"What is it?" I ask him. He looks actually nervous about what he's about to say. Wow, so Liam does have feelings. I mean obviously he does, but he doesn't show them much. I've never asked why, but there's plenty of things we don't know about each other. And it's always worked that way.

"Where's Rachel?" he asks me. He looks down at his tattooed arms, staring at them, not meeting my eyes. After I didn't reply for a couple seconds he spoke again. "I mean because usually she just comes down here and scoffs at us while she pretends to be grabbing some food or a drink." Liam looks up at me, his face hard, and emotionless again.

"Oh, we had a fight." I explain simply. "She's been up there for hours." Liam turns around again to face the stairs.

"Is she okay?" he asks me. I nod.

"I'm sure she's fine, Liam. Now, how about another game of poker?" I ask. Liam stands up from the table.

"Harry, someone should really check on her." He informs me. I roll my eyes and sigh at him.

"Liam, she doesn't want to be checked on, trust me." I mumble not even wanting to discuss what had happened today. Liam didn't budge though.

"Harry, I'm going to check on her. Just to make sure she's still breathing. I mean you don't wanna have a dead body laying in your house." Liam exclaims as he walks towards the stairs.

"Fine. I guess you're right, Liam." I reply, feeling annoyed. Liam walks upstairs and Niall begins laughing.

"Liam has a crush! Liam has crush!" Niall sings. All the guys laugh and I try to laugh along, but my jaw is clenched tightly, wondering if she's letting him check on her. And wishing that I was the one doing it.

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