Chapter 18

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Warning: this chapter is.... If you have heart issues.... If your emotional.... You've been warned.

Harry's POV

I stood outside of the door and folded up the letter I'd written on the napkin neatly into the pocket of my jeans. I felt confident and hopeful. I hoped she would read the letter, and I hope that when she did, she'd realize that I'm not the monster I once was. I changed. She changed me. So I took a deep breath and opened the door ready to give her the letter, the letter that expressed my true feelings for her. I walked in and looked up to see Rachel and someone snogging. They were leaned against the wall and then I saw who she was snogging. It was Liam. I felt my heart crumple, my stomach ached as I saw them. They'd seen me now and the two looked worrisome. I felt this, almost unbearable amount of heartbreak settle on me.

"Harry," Rachel breathed her beautiful blue eyes wide. I looked from Rachel, to Liam, I could feel my heart chipping away. Then instead of bursting into tears like a whimp I felt rage.

"What the hell is this!" I shout the question like a demand. Because I wasn't asking to know what was going on, I was demanding to know. Rachel looked frantic and Liam put his arm protectively around her.

"Harry, I-I didn't mean for you to find out like this." Rachel pleas. She sort of sinks into Liam's protective embrace which makes my heart break even more, and more rage running through my veins.

"Find out what?" this did sound like a question but my tone was still booming. Rachel was about to speak but Liam's words came out first.

"Harry, me and Rachel have been dating for about two months." Liam responds. His voice is stern, I can tell he's not effected by my anger, or at least if he is he's not showing it. "She wanted to tell you, but worried you would react like this."

"React like what? You mean acting pissed off at this?" I cry at him unable to contain my rage. But I heard my voice and it scared even me. But Liam didn't seem phased. But I looked into those brown eyes of his and saw the emotion he was hiding. They looked fearful. But his face remained serious.

"What's the big deal? It's not like she's your girlfriend!" Liam defends. Rachel lets out a small gasp and her eyes dart from Liam to me. I narrow my eyes at Liam. But he was right, she wasn't my girlfriend, but I loved her.

"That is no excuse! She's mine! I own her!" I shout putting emphasis on the word "own". Liam scoffed and Rachel narrowed her eyes at me.

"H-Harry," she stammers like she's nervous, but she looks pissed. "I'm no one's property! I have a right to love who I love and be who I want to be!" Rachel's voice rises to the point where she's shouting her next words. "I thought you changed Harry, but you haven't! You're the same prick who I met eight months ago and that's all you'll ever be!" Rachel's face is beat red, her words cut like knives at my heart. I feel my heart pleading for her love. It was all too much. That and Liam's judgemental looks.

"Fine." I state in a cold emotionless tone. I couldn't let her see me burst into tears. This was the only way. "I guess you're right. It's all I'll ever be Rachel." I turned on my heel and stormed out of the house slamming the door. I walked over to the motorcycle and felt like I could kick it halfway across London. But instead I just got on. I sped down the road to the only person I knew that could give me something to do, that way I wouldn't have to think about my heart shattered.


I banged on the door of Louis's flat aggressively. I had no patience at the moment, so after a second, I banged on the door again. "Louis!" I shout. Then I hear something, I hear what sounds like a piano. What the hell? I furrow my eyebrows together and banged on the door again. The playing stopped and soon the door opened and Louis greeted me.

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