Chapter 22

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Pray for Rachel to stay strong because she's going through a lot with Harry's loss & also pray for me because I made it through the first week of school and need to make it through 44 more weeks

Rachel's POV

I rode in the backseat of Louis' rang rover. I attempted to look out of the windows, but they were tinted so it was nearly impossible to see out of them. Liam was sitting next to me, I felt his calloused hand take mine and he squeezed it gently. I looked down at ours hands clasped together. Then I looked up at Liam himself. He was looking at me with concern, I thought about telling him I was fine, I thought about telling him I was okay. But I didn't know what I was at the moment, but I knew I wasn't okay, or fine. So I just looked at Liam in his form fitting black suit. It went perfectly with the little black dress I had on that. Everyone's outfit was insinc. Everyone wore black, just as you should when attending a funeral. Niall was riding in the passenger seat while Louis drove. The car was silent, not even the radio was playing. I kept thinking I should say something, but I didn't know any words to fit the situation.

So I sat and let Liam hold my hand, and I allowed my mind to go over Harry's last words to me. "Goodbye Rachel". It was so simple. There was nothing epic in his last words, nothing to put down in the history books. Just a simple goodbye; as if he'd be seeing me again. As if he was going to be fine. I bit my lip as I felt my eyes well up thinking of his deep rough voice. I thought of his chuckle that could sometimes be so sinister, but sometimes it could be so genuine. I blinked back tears and looked over a Liam. Harry had told me Liam would take care of me. I knew I was about to cry, when Liam spoke softly.

"Rachel, we're here." I looked up at him and nodded. Our hands broke apart and I unbuckled and opened the door. I stepped onto the asphalt and followed Niall towards the sidewalk that was leading to the church. Louis walked beside Niall, and Liam walked beside me. We didn't hold hands because it would feel wrong to do that at Harry's funeral. Especially since I knew how Harry felt about me. So we walked side by side and entered the church. I spotted Anne greeting people and beside her stood a girl with light hair, and I was surprised to see how she looked so much like Harry. They could've been twins. I figured that was Gemma. Her green eyes were red and puffy as she stood there looking solem. She didn't greet the other mourners like Anne was. She didn't force a smile, she just looked sad, and upset. I saw Niall and Louis walking over to the pair, and Liam and I followed. Anne hugged the boys and Gemma didn't. She just nodded to acknowledge their existence. Anne hugged me as well even though I didn't think I deserved it. Gemma looked at me, and furrowed her eyebrows confused. She looked just like Harry when he did the same thing.

"Who are you?" she asks. Her voice isn't like Harry's, although I didn't expect it would be. I found my voice and cleared my throat.

"I-I'm Rachel Harper. I've been staying with Harry for the last couple months." Rachel was surprised when she saw a smirk cross Gemma's once mournful face.

"Oh, you're the girl he's been talking about for months!" she recalls. I gave a quizzical look to Gemma.

"H-he did?" I ask. Gemma's face grows solem again and she nods.

"Yeah," she flashes a light smile. "He talked about you all the time. He liked you a lot." I saw Gemma's eyes tear up and Anne hugged her. I took this as my cue to leave the two alone. I walked towards where all they guys were standing. I didn't say anything to them as they gave me curious looks. We found an empty pew and I was about to sit down when I saw the open casket that people were lining up to see. I stopped and turned towards the guys.

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